Category Archives: Random Thoughts

On a Side Note #4: The Schedule

As you might have noticed did I manage to write – lo and behold – one measly post in Mai.
I had planned more than that.
I wanted to finish another What’cha Watching Wednesday, I wanted to continue my travel log from 2014, I wanted to continue the Fanfiction stuff, that’s been waiting since December and many more things.
But I didn’t do any of it.
Instead I went to couple of things, binge watched a couple of series and was basically not in the mood to write anything.
Since I ended The Weekend Guess my motivation to write something regularly dropped immensely (I haven’t even gotten around to add the other question-collections…).
I can’t even figure out what I would like to do on a regular – weekly ? – basis.
It should be something that takes as little time as the guess, but is just as entertaining/interesting.

What to do?

I can’t make a weekly song-suggestion as I partly did that in the first segment of the Guess and DarkFairy is doing a great job at that already.
I don’t really want to answer questions on a weekly basis like the Montagsfrage (Monday Question) or the Gemeinsam Lesen (Reading Together). Both are great opportunities to think about stuff you usually wouldn’t think about, but they’re also difficult as you kind of have to come up with something to stay in the loop.
With the Reading Together there is also the problem that you have to be reading something to be able to properly participate and even if I got a more or less regular reading habit again, this feels forced sometimes, especially as I’m only able to write the post properly in the evening after work.
Besides Monday and Tuesday are days where my motivation to do something useful after work are even worse than usual. But maybe I’ll still restart doing the Reading Together at least, who knows…
I’m currently considering to start a new segment for the weekend, where I talk about the many series I’ve watched (Series Satunday), but that would not fit the bill of an easy weekly post – and I would probably run out of series and motivation quite soon – like I did with the WWW.
Which in turn I thought about trying to do bi-monthly or monthly, depending on how much I watched, as it is quite some work to put down all my thoughts.
I don’t know if anyone would be interested in „Found on the Internet“ post, where I talk about stuff I came across.
I’m not even sure I’d like doing that.
I probably would rather share it through Twitter and Facebook than blog about it.
I’d also like to continue introducing people to Webcomics I’ve read or the language stuff I started way back and I think that might be more interesting than the „random stuff from the Internet“-thing.
There is also a lot of stuff, I still want to talk about that I haven’t gotten around to write about. So it seems like a proper schedule for all the longer stuff is in order.

So, this is the plan

Every second Wednesday there will be a post:
One week a WWW, one week a Webcomic (Webcomic Wednesday, so to speak).
Starting: Next week with a WWW (not sure yet, if I give you the complete one or a split version, of what I currently have)
Every other Monday there will be a post about a Concert or Festival I’ve been at – the Music Monday, even if some will still be called In Concert/At the Festival.
This way I hopefully get on track with my logs about them and maybe even talk about a few interesting long players (again).
Every other Tuesday or Thursday there will be either a post about my travellings – the Travelling T-Day – that’ll cover random stuff from the On the Road category, as well as actual travel logs or a Translation T-Day, covering the Lost in Translation stuff, I still want to talk about.
Maybe I’ll really go for the Series Satunday as well, but I’ll see how the stuff above will turn out before I make a final decision here – though the LiT stuff would fit here as well.
There is also another idea for the weekend that I’ll present you on Sunday (there’ll also be another Your Picture – A Story over at DF.PP Entertainment by the way).
I really hope I can somehow pull this off. It’s so frustrating that I can’t manage to keep up a decent schedule, so I felt it was necessary to give myself a kick in the butt to change this.

What do you think?

Does any of this sound interesting/boring?
What would you like to see more of?
Let me know! 🙂

A new Day

It’s been a year now and I still haven’t entirely gotten around the thought that my Mum is no longer with us. A lot has become normalcy by now, but it is still strange to come home and only seeing my Dad

I started travelling again and managed to get back into writing and reading as well, but it’s not the same as before. Those who followed my stories throughout the year will notice that I used (some of) my experiences with this loss as basis for stories – or chapters and it was a good way for me to work through it.

In honour of my Mum’s love for reading do I now want to show you the first story I wrote after her passing (only in German, sorry). I got the idea for it during an organ concert we went to together and when I was having trouble focusing my creativity I knew that this was the story I wanted to write to overcome the urge to just don’t write anything any more and judging by my output, I guess this worked quite well. I’d tell you to have fun reading, but I guess it should be more of an ‚I hope you enjoy it, regardless of the topic‘.

I miss you, Mum. This story is for you.

Ein neuer Tag

Es war ruhig im Dorf. So ruhig, wie er es sein ganzes Leben lang nicht erlebt hatte.
Normalerweise liefen die Kinder lachend durch die Straßen; die Händler priesen ihre Waren an und Nachbarn unterhielten sich von Fenster zu Fenster über die Straße hinweg.
Jetzt war nichts mehr von alledem zu hören, denn das Dorf trauerte.
Vor nicht ganz einer Woche war Garland, ihr geliebter und gütiger Anführer für immer eingeschlafen. Eine schreckliche Krankheit hatte ihn befallen und selbst die besten Heiler des Dorfes konnten nichts gegen sie ausrichten.
Er war in seinen letzten Monaten immer schwächer geworden, hatte sich aber nichts anmerken lassen, um sein Volk nicht zu beunruhigen. Immer wieder hatte er selbst den Kleinsten versichert, dass es ihm gut ging und er bald wieder mit ihnen spielen könnte – er hatte es geliebt den Kindern Geschichten zu erzählen und mit ihnen auf Schatzsuche zu gehen.
Insgeheim wusste das ganze Dorf jedoch, was er ihnen nicht sagen wollte.

Und nun hatte ihn diese schreckliche Krankheit dahin gerafft. Anuk war bei ihm gewesen, als es passiert war, aber selbst jetzt konnte er es noch immer nicht begreifen. Die Nachricht hatte sich wie ein Lauffeuer im Dorf verbreitet und alle Arbeit wurde niedergelegt. Egal wo man hinschaute, überall saßen die Leute und weinten oder trauerten auf ihre Weise. Niemand wagte es fröhlich zu sein, selbst die Kinder hatten aufgehört zu spielen. Seitdem hatte kaum jemand gearbeitet oder auch nur gescherzt, niemandem war danach zumute und die, die arbeiteten taten nur das Notwendigste.

Heute hatten sich nun alle versammelt, um Garland die letzte Ehre zu erweisen. Ein langer Zug hatte sich hinter den Sargträgern gebildet, die ihren geliebten Anführer zu seiner letzten Ruhestätte brachten. Die Leute hielten sich an den Händen oder lagen sich in den Armen; Kinder klammerten sich an ihre Eltern und jedem standen die Tränen in den Augen oder liefen ihnen über die Wangen. Niemand sagte ein Wort.

Am Grab angekommen verteilte sich das Dorf in einem Kreis darum, jeder wollte etwas sehen.
Wie es bei ihnen üblich war, wurde über dem Grab ein Scheiterhaufen aufgebaut, sodass die Asche in es hinein fallen konnte. Vorsichtig hievten die Träger den Sarg auf das aus Holz und Reisig gebaute Podest und entfernten sich ein Stück, damit der Heiler vortreten konnte.
„Aus der Erde sind wir gekommen – in die Erde werden wir zurückkehren.
Mögen die Flammen Garlands‘ Geist zu den Ahnen aufsteigen und seinen Körper zu neuem Leben werden lassen“, sprach er die alten Worte mit weit ausgebreiteten Armen.
Der Heiler ging wieder einen Schritt zurück und nickte seinem Lehrling zu, der daraufhin die brennende Fackel, die er in der Hand hielt an das trockene Reisig zwischen dem Holz hielt. Mit einem Knistern breitete sich das Feuer aus und hatte bald den Sarg umschlossen und sogleich stimmte das Dorf einen Trauergesang an.
Es war ihr traurigstes Lied und während sie sangen, schien alles inne zu halten. Nur der Gesang der Dorfbewohner durchdrang diese Stille.

Als der Sarg und seine Halterung zerfallen waren, war auch das Lied vollendet und alle schwiegen. Nun war es an den Sargträgern, dass Grab mit Erde zu bedecken, während das Dorf in die Große Halle einkehrte, um dort ihrem Oberhaupt zu gedenken.
Es gab reichlich Speis und Trank für jeden und auch wenn es schwer fiel, wurden fröhliche Geschichten aus besseren Tagen erzählt und darüber gelacht, denn so war es Tradition. Man gedachte den Verstorbenen indem man sie in Erinnerung behielt und sie somit in ihrer Mitte weiterlebten.

Die Feier ging bis in die späte Nacht und es war merkwürdig für Anuk als er nach Hause zurückkehrte und nur noch das letzte Geleit vor Augen hatte.
Alles schien ihm düster und grau und er verkroch sich sogleich in sein Bett. Weinend holte ihn schließlich der Erschöpfungsschlaf ein.

Am nächsten Morgen erwachte er mit trockenen Augen. Es war bereits hell draußen, aber irgendetwas war anders als zuvor.
Noch leicht benommen setzte er sich auf und blickte aus dem Fenster.
Die Sonne strahlte hinein und kündigte einen schönen Tag an.
Dann bemerkte er es.

Von draußen hörte er Stimmen.
Er stand auf und öffnete das Fenster um hinaus zu sehen.
Die Leute rannten aufgeregt aus ihren Häusern und riefen einander zu aufzustehen und zu folgen, auch Anuk wurde herunter gerufen.
Verdutzt zog er sich seinen Mantel und seine Stiefel über und eilte nach draußen. Unten angekommen hielt er einen anderen Dorfbewohner an und fragte was überhaupt los sei.
„Hörst du es denn nicht?“ Antwortete dieser nur und eilte davon.
Verwirrt schaute Anuk ihm hinterher und strengte dann seine Ohren an.
Dort in der Ferne hörte er es.
Eine Melodie so lieblich und zart, dass ihm warm ums Herz wurde.
Die Schwere, die sich durch seine Trauer darauf gelegt hatte, löste sich und er fühlte sich erleichtert.
„Was ist das?“ Fragte er sich und folgte dem anderen in die Richtung, aus der die Musik kam und in die sich auch die anderen Dorfbewohner bewegten.

Kurz darauf standen sie alle wieder um das Grab herum. Dort wo die Erde frisch gegraben war stand nun ein Baum dessen Blätter im Wind wehten und diese wunderschöne Melodie erzeugten. Sie alle standen wie gebannt und lauschten der Melodie.
Ein paar wenige begannen mitzusummen bevor sie schließlich einen Gesang anstimmten; ein altes Geburtslied wurde entsprang den Kehlen der älteren Dorfbewohnern und die Kinder begannen dazu zu tanzen.
Die traurige Stimmung war auf einmal verschwunden und wurde ersetzt durch eine Art Hoffnung, dass trotz ihres Verlustes das Leben immer noch Wunder mit sich brachte, dass es immer noch schön war und das man sich davor nicht verstecken sollte. Das Leben war ein Geschenk und man sollte es nutzen um Entdeckungen zu machen, zu spielen, zu genießen und es auszukosten. Daran erinnerte sie das Lied, das sie hörten und auch das, was sie sangen.

Garland war von ihnen gegangen, aber er war für immer ein Teil von ihnen und sie würden sein Andenken in Ehren halten und das Dorf wieder in neuem Glanz erstrahlen lassen.
Mit diesen Gedanken konnte auch Anuk weiter machen, selbst wenn jetzt vieles anders sein würde, so würde der Geist seines Vaters doch dafür sorgen, dass er das Dorf in seinem Sinne anzuführen.
Nun war er bereit, die Position des Anführers zu übernehmen.
Nun war er bereit sein Leben weiterzuführen, denn so hätte sein Vater es gewollt.

Just like Anuk did I make the decision for myself to continue, because that’s what my Mum would have wanted – even though she did not sent me a magical tree to tell me. That doesn’t mean I/we do not miss her, but I/we manage to get by. Somehow.


[Edit: Eine überarbeitete, längere Version gibt es in der Anthologie Entzünde den Funken.]

On the Road: Giving a Lift

I’ve been meaning to write this post since 2012, but as I think it would fit the Blogparade „Travelling Glitches around the World“ (Reisepannen rund um den Globus) by Gecko Footsteps I decided to finally finish it – even though it happened in good ol‘ Germany. 😉
For quite some time now I’ve been taking passengers along for the longer distances between the parts of my Journeys and one encounter does definitely count as a Travelling Glitch in my book.
But before I get to that, let’s have a look at

How I get my passengers:

There are different platforms (everyone who ever looked for stuff like that knows which ones I mean, so I’m not going to advertise them) out there that give drivers the possibility to put up their route ad and offer a ride/lift for everyone that wants to travel the same direction in exchange for a little money.
Those interested can then contact the driver and arrange everything, like where to pick them up/drop them off; how to find each other, etc..
Usually this is easily done and most of the time the people I end up with are nice and interesting, but there are a few exceptions to that and one of which is what I want to talk about today.

A ridiculous idea

For some reason did I decide it would be a good idea to travel from Berlin to Hamburg and back to Greifswald/Neubrandenburg on the same day. Little did I know that this would turn out to be one of my worst decisions.
But why did I do that?
Well, as far as I remember was the whole ordeal on a Sunday.
The Saturday before that I was at a Powerwolf concert in Berlin and on Sunday we had a meeting from the Eventteam – the student group I was the head of at the time – in Hamburg that could not be postponed due to scheduling issues.
So basically: I didn’t have much choice, as I already had the tickets and the other thing couldn’t be changed either.
To at least get something out of this I then decided to pick up passengers from Berlin to Hamburg and from Hamburg to Greifswald on my way back.
So far so good, but then stuff happened.

Where are you now?

When I arrived in Hamburg I soon noticed that the original meeting point (Dammtor) was under construction, so I had no chance to park, let alone pick someone up there and decided to look for a different place.
After quite some time I found a parking deck a bit further away and told my would-be passengers that I parked in THAT parking deck (giving them the exact name that I can’t recall any more) and that they should try to get there instead (as new meeting point). I got a message from one of them saying that they found the train station nearby and I believe I forwarded that as well.
With the thought that everything was settled I then went to the meeting.
Unfortunately it dragged on a bit longer than I expected so even though I hurried I got to the meeting point later than I had said, but when I arrived no one was there. So I went to pick up the first person at the train station she had mentioned earlier.
At the same time I got a call from one of the others that wanted to know where I was and I told her that I was picking up the other passenger and that they should wait at the park-house.
As it turned out they thought I was in the parking deck near Dammtor (a parking deck near the original meeting point by a totally different name).
I told her that I didn’t park there and that I was on my way to pick them up, anyway.
If I remember correctly I got at least five more calls until I finally made it there and somehow found my way to them through the construction stuff.
This whole driving around (me missing a few turns along the way due to rising anxiety of what might happen when I arrive included) made us actually start an hour after the original plan.
The mood in the car was accordingly sour and down.

Are we there yet?

Time and again I tried to initiate a conversation, but I felt too… bad (for a lack of a better word) for making them wait so long(, even though it was only partly my fault) that I stopped trying at some point and just silently drove.
As it had been a long day and I usually made a stop there I took a break at a Fast Food restaurant along the way. Too anxious to say more I simply stopped and asked if anyone wanted to get something, because I was hungry and needed something to eat.
No one wanted anything, everyone stayed in the car and I had to fast eat my burger sitting behind the wheel and continue driving as soon as I was finished, abiding to the dark mood in the car.
A little while earlier – before the stop – one of the waiters asked me when we would arrive and I told her a certain time, which I later realized was a complete miscalculation on my part as the sat nav was set on my home and I didn’t include the dinner-stop.
Needless to say we arrived way later than I told them.
When we finally made it to Greifswald they all got out and I told them that they still owed me the 10(?) Euro for the ride, to which one of the waiters subsequently replied that due to the delayed start and the misinformation I gave them, she’d only give me five Euro and the others followed suit, intimidated by her.
At that point I was far too tired and exhausted to complain or tell them that most of it was their own fault, so I simply accepted it and just drove home – I didn’t feel like driving to Neubrandenburg, so I made a stop there and ranted at my Mum in the middle of the night about it.
With some distance to the whole thing I later pondered if it would be a good idea to create a dictionary Me-German/German-Me as I really did not understand how they could have misread my initial notification SMS…

The Morale of the Story

It’s been nearly four years and I still remember the dread and anxiety I felt during that ride and afterwards. It simply was the worst ride I had so far.
There was another one that turned ugly afterwards, when I got a bad rating by the girlfriend of a passenger for changing the destination after a discussion with BOTH passengers about what would suit them best and driving carefully (~100km/h on the motorway at times) after a Festival-weekend, but it wasn’t as bad as this one. At least the ride itself was great thanks to the other passenger that I’m still in contact with.
Long story short: You can have a lot of luck with the passengers you’re taking with you and it also can turn out badly (last minute drop out, language barriers, tense atmosphere,… ).
I certainly will keep posting my route ads if I drive alone, but after this and some other incidences I decided for myself that each of my route ads will include the following information:

  • The time is only an approximate value and can change due to different circumstances. In case of serious changes you’ll be notified.
  • If your English is better than your German: Please use it!

Better save than sorry, I guess?

Good riddance, 2015

Finally this awful year is at its end and I don’t really feel like writing more about it then necessary – those who followed this Blog throughout the year, know what I’m talking about – and therefore point you to the WordPress‘ helper monkeys* who prepared their annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,800 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 47 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Have a save Journey into the new Year, see you in 2016!

* The German version has elves, the English one gets monkeys… 🙁

PoiSonPaiNter goes Twitter – for real!

As you might remember did I create a Twitter account for the TimeLash with AnnaTao and Schmusi from the HGWAnime(, who are also known as CosMamas Tipps). In the TimeLash review I also told you that we decided to keep the account and continue posting stuff from different events or projects.
Well…as I started working on my Advent Calendar, I now stood before a problem:

  • I was the one tweeting most or calling for a Tweet, during the TimeLash weekend.
  • I had a lot of fun sharing random quotes and thoughts while editing „Warlords“ with Fairy
    and worst of all
  • I started to enjoy making random statuses(?) when I found a particular weird thing in my writings or research.

So what am I gonna do?

Do I spam the @[ASAP_Chronicles] account with random updates?
Or do I put them somewhere else?
Guess which one I spontaneously decided to do…


Go and check it out! If you don’t have or don’t want to use Twitter feel free to check out my Facebook-Page, as the Tweets will be posted there as well.
The language of the Tweets will switch between German and English, but I guess most of it will be in English.
Stay tuned and watch out for talkative birds! 😀

Happy Halloween!

Meh, I really wanted to participate in Ed’s Capturing History Challenge: Spooktacular, but I just don’t have a picture of all those places around here, whose stories are worth to be told.
And there are a lot of stories. From the witch trials in Penzlin, over tales of Klabautermänner or Mermaids in the Baltic Sea or the many lakes of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, to the Petermännchen from Schwerin castle and the Oaks of Ivenack, up to many tales of White Women and Black Dogs/Poodles.

You might remember that I already talked about my Halloween experiences in Germany and my plans for last years Halloween – though I still haven’t written down the tales of that trip – so this year I decided to tell you a few of the tales that are said to have happened in my home town Jarmen – the name might sound familiar if you read A Song of Ice and Fire by the way. 😉

So I looked through the many books we own and found a copy of a myth collection called „Der Schatz von Meesiger – Sagen aus dem Kreis Demmin“ (The Treasure of Meesiger – Myths from the county Demmin) that was re-released a couple of years ago.
Even though the county Demmin doesn’t exist any more – thanks to the Kreisgebietsreform that split it apart – Jarmen itself is still a small town in the Vorpommern part of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern that is situated directly at the river Peene – commonly referred to as the Amazon River of the North – and has an interesting history by itself (we were Swedish for a while and we have a Griffin in our coat of arms).
So enjoy a little dive into the myths surrounding the place I call home. 🙂

The Devil is the real Deal

Years ago when the apartment building my family lives in wasn’t build yet a storehouse and stables for the stage coach stood in its place.

One night one of their coaches was filled with so many people that an old man had to sit with the postillion in the coach box. The two began talking and the old man turned the conversation towards belief. The postillion declared that he did not believe in anything, not even the Düwel (lower-German for Devil) himself. The old man then suddenly declared „Denn’n Düwel gifft dat“ (The Devil exists) and snatched the whip away from him. He cracked it loudly and the horses stopped in their tracks, all windows and doors of the coach opened and a smell of tinder and sulfur hung in the air and the old man was gone. The postillion now certainly changed his belief.

Two farmers who lived in the same area had a different meeting with the Devil. They made a deal with him to always have enough money as long as the Peene would have enough water. Then one summer the river dried out more and more and was nearly gone. The brothers, who had not thought of the deal in the times they faired well now remembered it when money no longer came into their pockets. They believed everything to be over and just became idle and melancholic, while waiting for the Devil. So one day he came to collect them and in the following year the water in the Peene flowed high again.

A White Woman in the Smithy

As the stage coaches weren’t the only business it is not surprising that there was a smithy in Jarmen as well.

One day the apprentice, who lived in the attic of the smithy came to his room and saw a lady all dressed in white standing on the stairs to his room. In his drunken state he thought her to be his master’s young wife and sent her a friendly greeting that she did not return. He turned around and believed to see her walk through a closed door and vanish, frightened he got up to his hay bed and did not find any sleep that night.
The next day he told his master about it and asked him for advice. He just told him to do „gor nix“ (nothing).

The next night when the twelfth hour came the woman returned and stood in the moonlight above the apprentice‘ bed until he woke up and rose up in fright to flee. The woman pushed him back down and told him he could free her, opening her garments to give him an incentive, but heading his master’s advice he did nothing.
After a moment she leaned back down and whispered to him:
„Tomorrow night go forth towards Demmin. Be at the first cross road at midnight. A coach with four white horses will drive up. Give each horse a „Pfennig“ (Penny/Cent) to eat and throw two more crosswise over the carriage with the words ‚Drive on in Peace'“
The frightened apprentice didn’t know what to do, so he asked for some time to think.

In the following night the White Woman appeared again at his bed and took off her garments without a word, her pale body shone in the moonlight. This view made the apprentice promise to be at the described place the next day.
As announced the coach arrived and he fed the horses the Pfennige and threw two more crosswise over the carriage. It opened and there sat the White Woman and smiled. A gust of wind got up and the translucent garment of the woman flew towards him, entangled him and tried to pull him into the carriage…
In his panic he called out „Drive on in Peace“ and the spook was gone.
As long as he’d been in his master’s service the apprentice never again saw his master’s young wife in the house.

A different tale

I hoped you liked this little look into the myths surrounding my home town and if this is something you’re interested in, let me know and I’ll see what other myths I can dig up.  🙂

If you want to read more spooky stories feel free to go over to DF.PP Entertainment for a collection of stories fitting for the occasion (the majority of them is in German though…). 🙂

I don’t know what this Halloween will bring for me and I’ll spent it with Black Kat, Anice and others from the Black Pack at the Burg Stargard at their Halloween feast, but we’ll see.

So, stay save in this spirit filled night and have Happy Halloween – or Samhain! 🙂

Have a pumpkin for the way


(c) All three stories were taken, re-told and translated from the book „Der Schatz von Meesiger – Sagen aus dem Landkreis Demmin“, collected by Karl Schlösser, first published as „Der Schatz von Meesiger – Sagen aus dem Großkreis Demmin“ in 1994 by the Baltic-Verlagsagentur and re-released in 2001, where they can be found as „Der Teufel höchstselbst“, „Der Pakt“ and „Die weiße Dame“

PoiSonPaiNter goes Twitter!

At least for a little while…
As I told you on Monday am I attending the TimeLash this weekend with AnnaTao and Schmusi from the HGWAnime, who are also known as CosMamas Tipps.
For this event we decided to join forces and created a Twitter Page to live-tweet our experiences at the first German Doctor Who Convention!
If you want to follow our adventures look no further than:

@[ASAP Chronicles].

If you don’t have or don’t want to use Twitter feel free to check out my Facebook-Page, as the Tweets will be posted there as well.
Most of the Tweets will be in German, but I guess I’ll manage to sneak in one or the other English one. 😉
I’m quite exited for this weekend and hope you’ll have fun following our adventures through Space and Time.
Stay tuned and watch out for talkative birds! 😀

On a Side Note #3

I feel like I’m really not getting anything done these days…
I managed to low and behold publish five posts in September and four so far in October and seven of those were Weekend Guesses
I don’t even know what it is I’m doing that keeps me from finishing any posts…
I didn’t even feel like reading either and now I have to give back all those books I got from the library back in February when it closed for renovations, unread…
Okay, I admit there were a few series I caught up with during the recent weeks and my trip to Stockholm and two Weekends at the HGWAnime, but that can’t be that time consuming…
It feels like all I’m doing is writing in the bus on my way to work, being at work, writing on my way back from work and doing stuff – possibly typing said writing or writing something else or watching something, when I get back.
Now you probably ask yourself: Why am I not seeing any of that writing?
Well, for one: It isn’t December yet. 😉
But I only need six and a half more Chapters and then it’s time for typing and polishing the whole thing to make it presentable for you. I’m quite exited if you will like that way of story telling, though right now I’m more curious about where the story will take me, as it made a few turns I had not expected in the beginning…
And for the other: I haven’t posted it here and I’m not sure I want to post it here and am even thinking about taking down the Fanfiction section in the Writings-menu altogether…
It’s the amok-running story that started with „Chance Meetings“ – a simple idea of Supernatural characters meeting people that read the in-universe books – and for some reason turned into the Season 11 AU „Light in the Darkness“ that I want to finish before I actually take a look at Season 11, which by now leaves me in a very weird situation between „Ah, I can wait“ and „Arg, I hate Spoilers, why can’t I be able to finish that stupid story and finally watch the show again like everyone else?!“. >_<
It is really frustrating when characters decide that they want you to tell more or different things than you actually wanted to do (same with the Calendar people by the way…)… I could probably write a whole post about that alone – and I probably will when I finished that story.
One thing you could see, however, is „Aequus„, my most recent story for Your Picture – A Story, that is a semi-continuation of this story from my Advent Calendar. Again it is only available in German, but I did manage to translate one of my „older“ stories of the project: The Secret of Milton Road. As Halloween is fast approaching, maybe something you’d like to check out. 😉
And as I’m already talking about the Calendar from last year: Last time I also told you that I left an excerpt of it in the mail box of a local publisher. Well, long story short: They were interested, they liked my stories and wanted to read more, but they also wanted me to support them with 2.500 € to pay for the copy-editing, marketing and what not, while they pay the same amount for the printing itself and only give me 10% royalties. That was not something I was willing to do, so I canned publishing plans for the meantime.
Now onto some more fun news: I probably wont be able to write anything this weekend either, as I’ll be at the TimeLash with AnnaTao and Schmusi from the HGWAnime. The TimeLash is the first ever Doctor Who convention in Germany and I’m quite excited as it will be my third convention ever (as a reminder: #1: Weekend of Horrors, #2 ChiSaiiCon). But I’m also quite terrified as I have agreed to take part in the Cosplay competition with Anna and Schmusi…
It will be:

  • my first Day ever in a Cosplay
  • my first time participating in a Cosplay competition
  • my first time playing after a pre-recorded story in front of a (huge) audience (all audiences are huge if you don’t like being in the spotlight, even if they can be at most 500 people…)

So yeah, I’m kind of practising to not miss my cues and do some acting and most importantly not start laughing, which probably will be the hardest part…
Anyway, noon Sunday it’s show time and I guess I’ll let you know how it went. 😀
We’ll by the way play a self-written (by Schmusi, with comments by me) story starring the Tenth Doctor (Schmusi), Rose Tyler (Anna) and Donna Noble (me) and the Tardis Control-Thingy (a cardboard box). 😀
So, see you around I guess

On a Side Note #2

I want to give you a little status update on a few things, so I’m using this category again, as I had anticipated last time.
My pile of stuff to type is getting bigger and bigger by the day and I feel like my brain is busy with so many different ideas that I just don’t know where to start.
As I mentioned in the last What’cha Watching Wednesday did a simple story-idea ran totally amok and I’m barely catching up with it…
Aside from that have I managed to publish a few stories, namely my entry for the Clue Writing Blog Parade and Chapter Eleven of Crossing Over – that were on my to-type-list last time – and a short story for a contest over at Edge of Night.
Guess what?


My award!

Isn’t that awesome? 😀
Either way, I also managed to write two more stories for Your Picture – A Story – again both are in German: Preparations (a continuation of Lukas‘ story from my Advent Calendar) and The Medlar – a Fairy Tale for a change. 😉
During my recent stay with DarkFairy we also managed to edit quite a bit of our book in a few days time, you can read more about it here: Scenes of an Editing Marathon.
Just yesterday I also sent off my Season Summary for Season Three of Supernatural, that might be published one of these days on The Extremis Review.
By now I’m also half way through this years Advent Calendar, but it already looks like my original plan will fail, but I’ll tell you more about that in December. 😉
Other than that am I trying to catch up with my Journey through a bit of Germany-series, as there is still a lot to talk about from last year and some new stuff from this year. I’m also going to expand on the travel logs as I want to include my trip to Ireland from last Halloween, the short trip to Liegé during my mini-Journey and the one to Stockholm I’m about to partake in at the end of the month (24th-26th).
Back in July I participated in another Reading Stage (Lesebühne) and presented some of my stories. Between reading them, someone I’ve been there with commented that I should publish my stuff as it is really good. So now we come to the main reason, why I’m writing this post:
After long contemplation I created an exposé for my Advent Calendar stories, but I wasn’t sure if I should really give it away for quite some time. Then Ed proposed to set a deadline for doing so. That deadline is today, so printed the exposé, put it into an envelope and really put that envelope into the letter box of a local publisher.
I’m still not entirely sure if that was the right thing to do.
Part of me is thrilled at the thought of it being read by professionals, another part is terrified of just that. You know how the saying goes: You’re your own worst critic, so my pessimism is greatly involved in me not believing what I have done and that they won’t like it anyway…
Well, guess we’ll see what will come of this…
See you around
P.S. It’s been six months today and we regained some kind of normalcy by now, but it’s still so, so strange. Especially when Dad and I are cooking a meal after two different recipes at the same time or, you know, we’re attending a wedding together, that she would have loved to be part of…I just miss her soo much… 🙁

On a Side Note

As I haven’t really published anything here in these past few weeks, I felt like I should at least write something to explain this lack of content – or maybe even use this headline in the future to just rant about things.
Anyway, the lack of posts isn’t due to lack of ideas, far from it.
I believe, I could fill more than a month with The Wesen of Grimm alone.
Beside that, is my imagination working as well as it hasn’t had in quite some time. I have a rough versions of several stories or story-parts, but there is one minor problem:
I have them handwritten and I’m too lazy to type them…
Well, at least I managed to motivate myself to finish On the Run (German Story) and The Legend of the lost Keys (German story) in time for their release for Your Picture – A Story.

What else have I written?

You see, my mind was busy these past few weeks, but I didn’t get around or felt like typing any of it. Still, I prefer to write things by hand. I can’t really explain why, but I guess I just like crossing out stuff and not being dependant on technology. Back when I was still writing with a fountain pen, I also liked the way it cast its shadow on the paper…
Though, if any of you know an App or Program for a tablet that manages to turn terrible handwriting into computer readable words, I’d be more than happy to hear about it! A program like that would save me a whole lot of time…
As for the What’cha Watching Wednesday: It’s not that I didn’t watch anything either, but I didn’t really know what I should write about the series I’ve seen and apart from them I mostly watched old movies with certain actors and I still haven’t figured out how to include those things…
Either way, I’m not sure how often I will update the site during the next few weeks. On Wednesday I’m off to the Rockharz again with Anice, Black Kat, Babsi and others and two weeks later I’ll be visiting Fairy, Nazgul and maybe Icewolf, as a mini- Journey through a bit of Germany. Fairy and I will also be at the Noch ein Bier Fest (One more beer feast) by Sabaton, which will be a lot of fun…
Wish me luck that I can think up another Weekend Guess in time for my departure, as I already had trouble with the last one.
See you around