Monthly Archives: September 2014

The Weekend Guess #29

We go a bit more current day cinema with the twenty ninth instalment of the Weekend Guess.

Eine Gedankenblase mit dem Schriftzug "The Weekend Guess" auf blauem Grund und in einem braunen Rahmen

What is the Weekend Guess?

Up to three riddles formulated by me that are puns and wordplays on the answer itself I put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

For no apparent reason, just because I consider the idea to be funny.

What are the questions about?

Everything I can think of I guess, so far it has been song titles and bands that you have to figure out, but now I’ve changed it to movies.

What is your part in this?

You can try to figure out my riddles and see if you can manage to get behind them and understand what I am describing.

What is in it for you?

So far: Nothing, but the knowledge that you managed to unlock one of my silly riddles.

Let’s start with the twenty ninth set of questions

I am looking for the title of this movie:

A group of special people defending the Earth and preparing to take revenge for it in case of a failure.

Leave your guesses in the comments below and I can see if my questions are too easy or to hard to figure out. I will give the correct answer with the next instalment.

Have fun figuring it out! 🙂

Solution for last weeks Weekend Guess:

The Last Unicorn

This time DarkFairy and fruehstuecksflocke guessed it correctly. Congratulations!


The Weekend Guess #28

It’s the weekend again and I present to you the twenty eighth instalment of the Weekend Guess.

Eine Gedankenblase mit dem Schriftzug "The Weekend Guess" auf blauem Grund und in einem braunen Rahmen

What is the Weekend Guess?

Up to three riddles formulated by me that are puns and wordplays on the answer itself I put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

For no apparent reason, just because I consider the idea to be funny.

What are the questions about?

Everything I can think of I guess, so far it has been song titles and bands that you have to figure out, but now I’ve changed it to movies.

What is your part in this?

You can try to figure out my riddles and see if you can manage to get behind them and understand what I am describing.

What is in it for you?

So far: Nothing, but the knowledge that you managed to unlock one of my silly riddles.

Let’s start with the twenty eighth set of questions

I am looking for the title of this movie (Hint: Look at the posts from this week ;)):

The one remaining Pony with Horn struggling to find out what had happened to its kin.

Leave your guesses in the comments below and I can see if my questions are too easy or to hard to figure out. I will give the correct answer with the next instalment.
Have fun figuring it out! 🙂

Solution for last weeks Weekend Guess:

Dinner for Schmucks

This time DarkFairy guessed it correctly with its German title „Dinner für Spinner“. Congratulations!


Advent Calendar Help – Adventskalender Hilfe

Lies auf Deutsch
After late night ramblings about unicorns I now am sitting here in the middle of September thinking about preparations for Christmas, isn’t that wonderful? >_<
Anyway, what I am actually thinking about is this:
I want to try creating my own advent calendar for this years Christmas.
The window should consist of a photo and a short story by me for the given picture and this is where the help is needed.

To all you photographers out there:

If you have any photos – be they Christmas-related, snowy or not – where you would like to learn a story behind the picture, please send me what you’ve got.
In total I would, obviously, need 24 pictures, but I can’t promise to have an idea for every one I get, so you can send more than one entry.

So these are the rules for submissions:

  • You have to own the right to the picture. (You will be named in the window/door post of course)
  • The picture has to be decent (no propaganda for violence, racism or other awful things)
  • The picture has to be send to me through comments, messages (e.g. Facebook, Google+ or Mail) or however you fancy.

I guess the absolute deadline would be the 23rd December around noon (UTC +1), but I hope to get the entries done before that.
You wont really win anything with this but recognition for your work and a tale, but maybe that’s enough to lift your Christmas spirit. 🙂
So let’s see if we can pull this off together.
I’m already curious what you’ll send me. 🙂
Read in English
Nach nächtlichen Jammereien über Einhörner sitze ich jetzt hier Mitte September und denke über Weihnachtsvorbereitungen nach, ist das nicht wunderbar? >_<
Jedenfalls, worüber ich tatsächlich nachdenke ist das hier:
Ich möchte für dieses Weihnachten meinen eigenen Adventskalender erstellen.
Das Türchen soll dabei ein Foto und eine von mir geschriebene Kurzgeschichte zu dem Bild enthalten und das ist der Punkt bei dem ich Hilfe brauche.

An all euch Fotografen da draußen:

Wenn ihr irgendwelche Fotos habt – seien sie weihnachtlich, mit Schnee oder nicht – bei denen ihr gerne eine Geschichte zum Bild erfahren möchtet, dann sendet mir bitte was ihr habt.
Insgesamt werde ich, natürlich, 24 Bilder brauchen, aber ich kann nicht versprechen, dass mir zu jedem etwas einfällt, also könnt ihr auch gerne mehrere Einträge schicken.

Und das sind die Regeln fürs Einsenden:

  • Du musst im Besitz der Rechte des Fotos sein (Du wirst natürlich im Türchen-Beitrag benannt)
  • Das Bild muss vernünftig/anständig sein (keine Propaganda für Gewalt, Rassismus oder andere schreckliche Dinge)
  • Das Bild muss über die Kommentare, Nachrichten (z.B. Facebook, Google+ oder Mail) oder wie auch immer du es bevorzugst geschickt werden.

Ich denke mal der absolut letzte Abgabetermin ist der 23. Dezember gegen Mittag (UTC +1), aber ich hoffe bis dahin alle Einträge fertig zu haben.
Du gewinnst nicht wirklich etwas mit der Einsendung außer Aufmerksamkeit für deine Arbeit und eine Geschichte, aber vielleicht ist das ja schon genug um die Weihnachtsstimmung in Schwung zu bringen. 🙂
Mal sehen, ob wir das zusammen hin bekommen.
Ich bin jetzt schon gespannt was ich so bekommen werde. 🙂

Flipping Unicorns…

As I just noticed something again, after I had forgotten about it for a while I thought I might as well rant a bit about it. It’s not like I was already trying to sleep and this topic kept creeping back into my mind…
Unicorns are common in different mythologies and stories, yet I don’t even really like/care about them, but for some odd reason they still cross my path time and time again…
Probably the first unicorn I ever came in contact with was the one that was meant to be captured by The Valiant Little Tailor. A ruthless beast that tried to pierce him with its horn, but ended up stuck in a tree.
The other one was obviously The Last Unicorn, the beautiful lost creature that was turned into a human to save it from a ruthless king and his brutal Red Bull. Back when I still regularly played the accordion in music classes we frequently played the titular song. It wasn’t easy and quite long, but worth it.
While I never replied to the unicorn thread in The Forum its portrayed style, that I picked from the get-go is indeed called the „Unicorn Style“, which also uses motives displayed in the movie.
I didn’t think about it much when I wanted to have a more vicious version and ended up adding a black one to my short storiy „Wissen ist Macht“ (Knowledge is Power) and gave it a rather nasty role…
For quite some time I did not really notice any unicorns until one faithful day at Wacken last year, when DarkFairy called out:

„Look he has a…Pony with Horn…a Unicorn!“

If you remember my story about Karl the Moose, who was supposed to be a Pony with Horn you might remember that if it hadn’t been for simple coincidence I would now have a plush unicorn head hanging from my wall…
Again some time past, but the more festivals I attended this year, the more people in unicorn or brownie costumes I saw running around (some of the full-costumes I mentioned here) and it got even worse when Anice and I where at the Gloryhammer concert during the Rockharz and they started talking about

„Undead Unicorns of War“

As I had fun back then I listened to their album „Tales from the Kingdom of Fife“ (which I am going to review one day) and the refrain of the song you can find in the video below became a long running „earworm“ (Ohrwurm; a song that is stuck in your head) for me soon after.

Nearly all throughout my stay at the Book Hotel in July did this line never leave my mind:

„The Unicorn Invasion of Dundee“

I don’t know how many times I told my mum these five words during that weekend, but it was often and I’m still doing it when I’m around her and they are stuck again.
Recently I had a conversation with both Anice and, I think, Unmei (the girl from the bus) about Pottermore and somewhere in the back of my mind I remembered something about my wands core.
Three guesses as to what it is? Well, you probably only need one, as it is in fact Unicorn hair…
Which is quite interesting as my wand wood is Laurel and their abilities seem to be quite contradictory… (Unicorn: Faithful, Laurel: Easily swayed when the user is too lazy for the wands liking).
Anyway, I just re-discovered this and thought I might as well ramble a bit about it, before finally hitting the hay.
Honourable mentions also go to the unreal unicorn from Doctor Who’s Agatha Christy story „The Unicorn and the Wasp“ – with my favourite companion Donna – and In Extremo’s singer „Das letzte Einhorn“ (The Last Unicorn).
I’ll probably remember more unicorns when I try sleeping again…
© For the quotes and the video from „Tales from the Kingdom of Fife“ lie with Gloryhammer and Napalm Records.

The Weekend Guess #27

Without further ado I present to you the twenty seventh instalment of the Weekend Guess.

Eine Gedankenblase mit dem Schriftzug "The Weekend Guess" auf blauem Grund und in einem braunen Rahmen

What is the Weekend Guess?

Up to three riddles formulated by me that are puns and wordplays on the answer itself I put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

For no apparent reason, just because I consider the idea to be funny.

What are the questions about?

Everything I can think of I guess, so far it has been song titles and bands that you have to figure out, but now I’ve changed it to movies.

What is your part in this?

You can try to figure out my riddles and see if you can manage to get behind them and understand what I am describing.

What is in it for you?

So far: Nothing, but the knowledge that you managed to unlock one of my silly riddles.

Let’s start with the twenty seventh set of questions

I am looking for the title of this movie (Hint: The last part of the name is a pejorative word with Yiddish origins):

An evening meal for (supposedly) foolish people with very special talents.

Leave your guesses in the comments below and I can see if my questions are too easy or to hard to figure out. I will give the correct answer with the next instalment.

Have fun figuring it out! 🙂

Solution for last weeks Weekend Guess:

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

This time no one tried guessing, so I can’t congratulate anyone.


How to recognize your fellow nerds

For a change you get something a bit different concerning Fandoms, but I hope it’s still interesting.
If you look at Conventions and the like it soon becomes clear that nerds and geeks are a quite sociable bunch. They enjoy spending time with each other and meeting new people that like the same things.
But what if you want to do that, when there is no nerd-gathering around or you don’t have access to any of those things near you?

How do you recognize a nerd/geek in Everyday Life?

Before I look into the actual topic let me define what I mean by Everyday Life.

Everyday Life is the part of Real Life that is spent in the presence of so-called normal people.
This includes: Being at work, going to the mall, using public transport, spending time outside, etc.
This excludes: Being at Conventions, going to the Cinema for nerd-themed movies, participating in other nerd-themed activities like LARPs, Pen&Paper or Card Game groups, etc.

Now let us have a look at a few things you can go by, to be relatively certain that the person you just met is one of your own.

A view at the chest allowed

It is considered quite rude to look at a persons’ (especially a woman’s) chest, but the easiest way to determine that persons’ nerdy-ness is by checking if they are wearing a nerd-shirt. Such shirts usually have a logo, person or catchphrase from a Fandom as front print that would justify the inappropriate glance.
While shirts, hoodies and other clothing can be a good indicator, they also can be misleading. The more popular a character or franchise gets, the more possible is it that normal people start wearing these shirts, just because they can.
This is especially the case with the logos of different DC heroes – namely Superman and Batman, as some of them are available in all kind of variations in stores that aren’t just for nerd things.
The more specific a shirt is the more you can be certain that the person knows a thing or two about what they’re wearing. I am fairly certain that the girl and the guy I saw last year know why they are SHERlocked or what the Baratheon-stag stands for. Just as I knew what the anatomy of the Serenity meant and the other person acknowledged the Cyberman on my shirt.
Still, the shirt could be just a hand-me-down or simple fashion statement instead of actual presentation of that persons’ Fandom.

Hidden in plain sight

Back in the day dark rimmed glasses were THE symbol for calling someone a nerd. Nowadays the Hipster-movement has taken them up and claimed them as cool. Therefore you have to look at other accessories to make your conclusion.
Similar to the shirts are there bags and tidbits from different franchises that made it into mainstream clothing. Additional to the two I’ve already mentioned we have The Nightmare before Christmas in this category as well, as Jack Skellington has a face you can sometimes see as part of Gothic fashion.
Bags, ear-rings, bracelets, necklaces, keyring pendants and so forth can be of a Fandom. Neither of it would be something you’d notice to be something special on first sight and it is a subtle way of adding what you like to what you have to do. It might take a while for you to notice these things though.
A little more eye-catching are tattoos, but they can be hidden quite well, maybe even by a nerd-shirt.

And then there is Batman

It isn’t really an everyday thing, but it still deserves a mention. While festivals aren’t officially nerd-gatherings they are still a place where you can come across people dressed up in all kind of ways. During about every metal festival I’ve been at so far was at least one person wearing the full Batman costume.
Batman is one of the most iconic characters out there and you recognize him quite soon. Still, the costume doesn’t necessarily mean the person has any reason behind wearing it besides having fun with it – or having lost a bet. When I see them I mostly assume the fun-reasoning, as the ones I encountered so far weren’t really prime examples for the crime-fighting hero. One Batman I’ve seen and heard of was, for example, rarely sober, yet caused a bit mayhem as Fairy on the Feuerschwanz‚ stage. Another one just walked into the Pub we’ve been at on Halloween last year and looked a bit out of place…
And then there was that one time at the Metalfest Loreley were I was called Batman…
I can see that a billowing black coat over black clothes including a shirt with bats (not THE Batman-logo, mind you, just some bats hanging from a tree) could give off the impression. Yet, I cannot see how someone would actually make that connection as my clothes differ greatly from anything he would ever wear. Besides do I not even like the character and therefore not see a reason why I should dress in a similar fashion. Plus, I could have presented that person two major arguments that I would indeed not be BatMAN…
Judging by my description above: Would you have seen me as a Batman impersonator?

What to do with what you saw?

After knowing and recognizing the signs a fellow nerd/geek can show its Fandom by, you still have to determine if your assessment is correct. Every variation of the above signs has the possibility that the person just wears it for fashion or other reasons and not every person wearing these symbols wants to talk about it.
The easiest way to ensure your first impression is correct is to use simple gestures like a smile or a nod at the object in question. If the other person acknowledges that in a positive way, you can see it as an invitation to start a conversation about the displayed topic.
Still, don’t be rude about figuring out if the person before you is what you think they are.
We’re all just people that occasionally don’t want to talk or interact with others.
Even if we are quite sociable when it comes to what we like/love, we still need our shells at times. 😉

The Weekend Guess #26

While I’m at the MPS again, I present to you the twenty sixth instalment of the Weekend Guess.

Eine Gedankenblase mit dem Schriftzug "The Weekend Guess" auf blauem Grund und in einem braunen Rahmen

What is the Weekend Guess?

Up to three riddles formulated by me that are puns and wordplays on the answer itself I put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

For no apparent reason, just because I consider the idea to be funny.

What are the questions about?

Everything I can think of I guess, so far it has been song titles and bands that you have to figure out, but now I’ve changed it to movies.

What is your part in this?

You can try to figure out my riddles and see if you can manage to get behind them and understand what I am describing.

What is in it for you?

So far: Nothing, but the knowledge that you managed to unlock one of my silly riddles.

Let’s start with the twenty sixth set of questions

I am looking for the title of this movie (Hint: I’m looking for one of the many adaptations, but only giving me the main part of the title would be all right):

A legendary archer vastly skilled in robbery.

Leave your guesses in the comments below and I can see if my questions are too easy or to hard to figure out. I will give the correct answer with the next instalment.

Have fun figuring it out! 🙂

Solution for last weeks Weekend Guess:


This time DarkFairy guessed it correctly, so congratulations!


Crossing Over: Chapter 10

It again has taken me quite some time to finish the next chapter of my Bleach-Naruto Crossover Fanfiction Crossing Over.
You can read it:

When I posted the last chapter I said that I might be able to continue more frequently, but time and again am I surprised at how well I can guess my own writing habits (See this post and this for another example).

As I didn’t want to let my readers wait even longer I did not send it to my usual Beta reader, so if you find any nonsense in the chapter, please let me know.

Just like the other times I can give a little look at the music I listened to while writing, but to understand the references I advice you to read the chapter first.

Well, there is only one definite song throughout the Renji-fight part (SabatonNo Bullets Fly) and for the rest I let my player shuffle through only Edguy’s Space PoliceDefenders of the Crown at first, but added Sabaton’s Heroes soon after.

The howling part is by the way one of the main points I wanted to portray from the get-go, the midnight meeting and the butterfly came soon after, but neither of it as extensive as in the chapter ..

And another thing that might be interesting to know: Only five chapters and an epilogue to go and I have finally finished this monstrosity of a story … While I hope I will do so in 2014 will it probably happen some time in 2015, if not later … (and now let’s hope that this is one of my reverse predictions again 😉 )

Apart from having finally written something/finished some writing I am again on the road.
Not long now and we will arrive in Hamburg to make camp and participate in the MPS again.

Semi-Medieval Spectaculum after writing about Samurai and Ninja, yup, that sounds more than fitting …


DarkFairys Alphabet Reading Challenge

I’ve waited and contemplated quite a while if I take up this challenge, as I am already participating in BiblioSmiles‘ Summer Book Challenge, but Fairy said I could use the same books for her challenge as well.

Like you might anticipate from the name do you chose books for this challenge, that start with a letter from the alphabet, but there are some more rules to it.

The rules

  1.  Articles are generally ignored (E.g. (The) Lord of the Rings)
  2. Numbers are written out (E.g. Nineteen eighty four instead of 1984)
  3. The letters Q, X and Y just have to be somewhere in the title, otherwise it would be to hard 😉
  4. The distinct title of a book within a book series counts. This means Harry Potter would always count for „H“ as every book starts with „Harry Potter and…“ but with other series like The Song of Ice and Fire you can take the individual titles (A Game of Thrones would count as „G“).
  5. Please create a separate Challenge-Page (Example) on which you post the alphabet with the books you have read and a couple of lines of your opinion, but you can also write a post review for each book you’ve read.
  6. Post the link of the challenge page in the comments of the original post (here) and Fairy adds you to the list of participants. You on the other hand have to link her page on your Challenge Page.
  7. The time frame of the challenge is: 15.07.14 – 14.07.15.

How I will participate

As I did with BiblioSmiles‘ challenge will I again make some variations to these rules.
The most important change is that I don’t want to be confined in a time frame and therefore pick the books and just try to finish them, however long it takes me.
The second change is that I will probably write full reviews instead of short ones on the Challenge Page, but I will still link them there.

Other than that have I picked books that I have read so far this year (not books that were finished after the 15th July) and those that I plan to read with the SummerBook Challenge.
I also cheated a bit with a couple of titles as I switched between German and English to fit the letters and as I am reading them in German anyway. Besides I still have quite a bunch of letters I haven’t found a proper book for…
My take on this is that I want to read books according to the Alphabet, but wont want squeeze them into it and just wait until I come across the book that fits. 😉

If you want to participate in this Challenge, be it according to the original rules or your own, let me know or just go over to Fairy’s Page and tell her.
