The Weekend Guess #110

Another Question for the Fairy Tale Summer/MĂ€rchensommer. Have fun guessing and trying to collect some points. 😉
Hinweis: Das RĂ€tsel wird ĂŒbersetzt werden, der komplette Beitrag nicht.

wegWhat is the Weekend Guess?

A riddle formulated by me that could contain puns and wordplays on the answer itself are put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

I like puns and riddles and as I am trying to find a way for people to gain points for a price at the end of the Challenge, I decided to give it another try. 🙂

What are the questions about?

These twelfth special Question are all about Fairy Tales, it’s the Fairy Tale Summer/MĂ€rchensommer after all. 😉

What is your part in this?/Was ist deine Aufgabe dabei?

You can try to solve the riddle./Du kannst versuchen das RÀtsel zu lösen.
What is in it for you?/Was bringt das fĂŒr dich?

You can gain five points for the overall Fairy Tale Summer Challenge! /
Du kannst fĂŒnf Punkte fĂŒr die gesammte MĂ€rchensommer Challenge sammeln!

Let’s take a look at the tenth Fairy Tale Riddle/
Lasst uns einen Blick auf das zehnte MÀrchenrÀtsel werfen:

Sticky Poultry./
Klebriges Federvieh.

Which Fairy Tale am I looking for?/
Welches MĂ€rchen suche ich?

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