Drei Weise aus dem Morgenland folgten ihm einst, um ihren Heiland Jesus Christus zu begrüßen.
Diese Geschichte war eine der ersten, die man lernte, wenn man in einem christlichen Haushalt aufwuchs, in dem man Weihnachten noch die Kirche besuchte.
Es war an sich eine schöne Geschichte vom Glauben, Engeln und einem Gott, der seinen eigenen Sohn aussandte, um die Menschheit zu erretten. Nur kannte heutzutage kaum noch einer die eigentliche Weihnachtsgeschichte. Weihnachten war kommerzialisiert worden und warb jetzt mit einem rot gekleideten, runden, lang bärtigen, alten Mann, der aus der Werbung stammte und Geschenke verteilte.
Auch wenn man sie verwendete verstand kaum einer die alten Bräuche, die dahinter standen.
Der Stern, die Krippenszene und was nicht noch alles auf die Christlichen Traditionen zurückzuführen war. Natürlich gab es noch andere, die wesentlich älter waren, aber mit denen kannte sie sich auch nicht so genau aus.
Für sie war es dennoch wichtig, ihre eigenen Familientraditionen aufrecht zu erhalten. Weit weg von zu Hause, hatte sie sich auf den Weg gemacht, um sich das Krippenspiel anzusehen.
Normalerweise ging sie mit ihren Eltern, aber dieses Jahr schafften sie es nicht gemeinsam zu gehen, also ging sie alleine.
Sie setzte sich in eine der mittleren Reihen und machte es sich auf der harten Kirchenbank so gemütlich wie es ging. Vorfreudig wartete sie auf die ihr nur zu gut bekannten Worte, mit denen jedes Jahr das Spiel begann.
Und dann fing es an…
„Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit…“
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A popular symbol of the Christmas time was the star, the star of Bethlehem if you wanted to say it more exactly.
The Biblical Magi once followed it, to greet their saviour Jesus Christ.
This story was one of the first you learned, when you grew up in a Christian household, in which you still went to church at Christmas.
It was a nice story of belief, angels and a god that sent his own son to save humankind. Though nowadays barely anyone knew the actual Christmas story. Christmas was commercialized and promoted with a round, old man with a red coat and a long beard, who delivered presents.
Even if you used them, barely anyone understood the old customs they originated in.
The star, the nativity scene and whatever else arose from Christian traditions. Of course there were others, who were way older, but she wasn’t that versed in them either.
For her it was still important to preserver her own family traditions. Far away from home she had set off to attend a nativity play.
Usually she would go with her parents, but this time they couldn’t go together, so she went alone.
She sat down in one the rows in the middle and made herself as comfortable as she could on the hard church bench. She waited in anticipation for the to her well known words with which the play started each year.
And than it began…
„In those days …“
Behind the Scenes
I hope you enjoyed the twenty second story.
As I am officially protestant does Christmas for me also have a religious meaning and the nativity play is a small part of it. In the years leading up to my confirmation I played in it twice, once as a farmer and once as one of the magi/wise man, though I can’t remember which one I was. 😀
I only remember that one of those times we had trouble with the microphone and the narrator had to start over and over again with the quote I used in the stories‘ conclusion. It is by the way the first line of Lukes version of the Christmas story (You can find it here or in your own copy of the Bible in Lk. 2-1. 😉 ).
What are your must-have traditions around Christmas time?
© For the story by me and for the picture by Babsi. Do not use or repost either without my or her permission.
Nativity plays (=Krippenspiele?) are seldom were I grew up.
But of course I know the story.
Nevertheless we go to church on Christmas Eve every year. This is an important tradition for our family. Seldom we go to church together. Almost only at christmas 😉
Furthermore christmas is an Christian feast so I think if you want to celebrate it you should go to church too…