Daily Archives: 6. Dezember 2014

The Weekend Guess #39

Even with my Advent Calendar today and me being on the Christmas market with my parents, I still present to you the thirty ninth instalment of the Weekend Guess.

Eine Gedankenblase mit dem Schriftzug "The Weekend Guess" auf blauem Grund und in einem braunen Rahmen

What is the Weekend Guess?

Up to three riddles formulated by me that are puns and wordplays on the answer itself I put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

For no apparent reason, just because I consider the idea to be funny.

What are the questions about?

Everything I can think of I guess, so far it has been song titles and bands that you have to figure out, but now I’ve changed it to movies.

What is your part in this?

You can try to figure out my riddles and see if you can manage to get behind them and understand what I am describing.

What is in it for you?

So far: Nothing, but the knowledge that you managed to unlock one of my silly riddles.

Let’s start with the thirty ninth set of questions

I am looking for the title of this movie:

A red clothed guy falling from a rooftop and his unintentional murderer becoming his successor by putting on his coat.

Leave your guesses in the comments below and I can see if my questions are too easy or to hard to figure out. I will give the correct answer with the next instalment.
Have fun figuring it out! 🙂

Solution for last weeks Weekend Guess:

Vicky the Viking/Wickie und die Starken Männer

This time both fruehstuecksflocke and DarkFairy managed to guess it correctly, so congratulations!


Advent Calendar: Door/Türchen #6

© EdMooney Photography

„You know what this old thing reminds me of?“ He asked his friend, gesturing at the sculpted creature hanging above them.
„A goat head?“ The other guessed without trying.
„Oh, shut up! Krampus. This thing reminds me of Krampus.“ He explained a little bugged that his friend wouldn’t play along.
„Who the hell is Krampus?“ The other wanted to know.
„You don’t know?“
„Never heard of it.“
„He’s the guy that gets to all the naughty children when St. Nicolaus is visiting the good ones.“ He told his friend.
„You mean ‚Knecht Ruprecht‘?“ The other boy tried to clarify.
„No, I mean Krampus. Horns, fur, quite a nasty fella that doesn’t mind using a birch on the kids.“
„You have strange traditions. Where I come from the naughty kid gets a piece of coal or a birch in its shoe instead of the sweats the others get. But no one uses the birches.“ His friend explained and added:
„Does your Nicolaus still bring sweats?“
„Yeah, he does.“ The boy affirmed.
„Well, at least there’s that. Even if you have a way crueller version of the assistant.“
„Yeah, I guess they wanted the kids around here to be especially nice.“ He suggested.
„I can see how that turned out!“ The other laughed, remembering all the mischief his friend had caused.
„Oh, shut up! You don’t want him to get on our trail, do you?“ He threatened, pointing at the head.
„Hell no! Let’s get out of here that thing creeps me out.“
„Yeah, me too.“

~~~~~~~ ❄ ~~~~~~~ ❄ ~~~~~~~ ❄ ~~~~~~~ ❄ ~~~~~~~ ❄ ~~~~~~~

„Weißt du woran mich das alte Ding erinnert?“ Fragte er seinen Freund und winkte in Richtung der Skulptur-Kreatur, die über ihnen hing.
„Einen Ziegenkopf?“ Riet der andere ohne weiteres.
„Ach, sei still! Krampus. Das Ding erinnert mich an Krampus.“ Eröffnete er ein wenig verärgert, dass sein Freund nicht mitspielen wollte.
„Wer zum Teufel ist Krampus?“ Wollte der andere wissen.
„Das weißt du nicht?“
„Nie von gehört.“
„Er ist der Typ der die unartigen Kinder besucht, wenn Sankt Nikolaus bei den Artigen ist.“ Erklärte er seinem Freund.
„Du meinst ‚Knecht Ruprecht‘?“ Versuchte der andere Junge klarzustellen.
„Nein, ich meine Krampus. Hörner, Pelz, ziemlich fieser Typ den es nicht kümmert auch mal die Rute bei den Kindern zu benutzen.“
„Ihr habt merkwürdige Traditionen. Da wo ich herkomme bekommen unartige Kinder ein Stück Kohle oder eine Rute in den Schuh, anstatt Süßigkeiten wie die anderen. Aber keiner benutzt die Ruten.“ Erklärte sein Freund und fügte hinzu:
„Bringt euer Nikolaus trotzdem Süßigkeiten?“
„Jup, tut er.“ Bestätigte der Junge.
„Immerhin etwas. Auch wenn ihr eine viel fiesere Version des Assistenten habt.“
„Jup, ich glaub‘ die wollten das die Kinder hier in der Gegend besonders artig sind.“ Vermutete er.
„Ich seh‘ ja was daraus geworden ist.“ Lachte der andere und dachte an all die Streiche, die sein Freund gespielt hatte.
„Ach sei still! Du willst doch nicht, dass er auf unsere Spur kommt, oder?“ Drohte er und zeigte auf den Kopf.
„Bloß nicht! Jetzt lass uns von hier abhauen, das Ding gibt mir ’ne Gänsehaut.“
„Jo, mir auch.“

Behind the Scenes

I hope you had fun with the sixth door and all have/had a proper filling in your shoes today. 😉

As I learned last year are there different myths regarding St. Nicolaus‘ assistant.

When I first watched the Grimm episode ‚Twelve Days of Krampus‚ I was utterly confused. The tradition sounded familiar, yet so completely different. When I read about Krampus again on the FairytaleTraveler some more things became clear and I was thrilled to learn something new, as I only knew the Knecht Ruprecht version and the custom to leave your shoes to be filled in the night of the 5th.

Which custom did you grow up with? The Krampus or the Knecht?

The picture was by the way first posted here and the head is, according to Ed, made of clay.


© For the story by me and for the picture by EdMooney Photography. Do not use or repost either without my or his permission.