Advent Calendar Epilogue

A few days have passed since the last door of my Advent Calendar opened, but I still have a couple of things to say about it.
Firstly though: I hope you had a merry Christmas, spent some lovely days with your families and have gotten some nice presents. 🙂
While I completed my Calendar I thought about what will happen afterwards. I soon decided that I want to give my lovely contributors their pictures and stories as Christmas present – and so I did.
At the same time I collected all of the stories I wrote – and indeed managed to translate in time – so I could give you, my Dear Readers, the possibility to read them in one go.
With the photographers permission’s I now present to you:

The Advent Calendar Story Collection

English: Poison’s Advent Calendar 2014
German: Poison’s Adventskalender 2014
You can download the PDF and read it to your liking and tell your friends about it.
But you are not allowed to distribute it as your own work or sell it.
The Calendar itself and the posts will stay on the Blog, so you can also read it here.

The Aftermath

With all the likes, follows and comments I got for the Calendar I’ll mark it as a success in my book.
As I told you before, has DarkFairy picked up on the general idea of the Calendar and we want to use it for DF.PP Entertainment.
So, if you enjoyed the stories of the Calendar make sure to check out Fairy and my new side-project Your Picture – A Story and send us your work, so we can continue to write such stories.
I am by the way fairly certain there will be another Advent Calendar next year, though I doubt it will be with pictures again.
It was an interesting experience and I’d like to continue writing in such a way, but I don’t want to create the same kind of Calendar two years in a row.
Where would be the fun in that? 😉
So, thanks again for sending pictures, reading, liking and/or commenting and I’ll be seeing you around with my next post.
Just so you know, you can look forward to another Book-Week in January and the missing posts from this and last year and hopefully one or the other story as well.
In case I decide to not write another post this year:

I wish you all a save journey into the new year or in short Guten Rutsch!


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