Reading Together #14

I present to you my fourteenth instalment of Weltenwanderers and SchlunzenbüchersGemeinsam Lesen“ (Reading Together).

Each Tuesday one of them asks four questions, with the first three always being the same about the book one is currently reading and the fourth a new one by either of them. All questions below are obviously translated from today’s German post.

1. Which Book are you currently reading and which page are you on?

As I finished A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin last Friday I now am reading Die Seiten der Welt (The Pages of the World) by Kai Meyer.
I’m currently on page 233, which is about half way through.

2. What is the first sentence on your current page?

As the actual first sentence isn’t a complete sentence I’ll cheat and take the next one:

Furia hob die Spitze der Glasfeder.

or in English:

Furia raised the tip of the glass feather.

3. What do you desperately need to tell about your current book? (Thoughts, Feelings, a Quote, whatever you want!)

It’s been a while since I read a book that was originally written in German; namely Kinder des Judas was the last one in 2013. But I didn’t read that much the last few years, so the possibility that I read a German book wasn’t that high to begin with…
Anyway, I learned about this book through Weltenwanderer, I think, and it just sounded interesting. So I had to take it with me when I saw it on display in the library. (Though that time, a few weeks ago, I picked up 4 books and a comic even though I just wanted to renew the rental for one book…libraries are evil…just like comic book stores)
Anyway, for a Young Adults novel I really like it.
Though which Bibliophile wouldn’t like a book about people being capable of using the magic of words to do sorcery-like things (the aptly called Bibliomanten – Bibliomancer, I’d say, judging from the translation of Nekromant to Necromancer)? Especially if there are such things as living letters and Origami and most of all a cranky arm chair and a sassy reading lamp? 😀 Oh and you can jump from one place to the other through two books of the same edition! This destroys the book you used, but it’s still a great idea.
The world Meyer creates in this book is just so fascinating that you just want to continue to learn more about it. That there are also some murders, intrigues and dark secrets in it makes it even better. Though the characters themselves are quite superficially constructed. I don’t really have that much of a connection with the main character (I rarely do, but that’s beside the point), but I do think I can add a yet. There aren’t that many pages left, so I’m curious how the end of the book will be pulled off…

4. The 100th time „Gemeinsam Lesen“! Let us take a look back and tell us since when you participate, what you like about Reading Together, or do you have suggestions for improvement? Is there anything that you miss, that you would like to change? Or something you like most about it, that makes this project unique and perfect?

This is my fourteenth participation, so I’m still quite new to this, but I already can say that I am grateful that those two picked up the project from its original creator and continued it up till now – and hopefully many more weeks to come.
It is an incredible motivation to continue with a book, simply because you don’t want to present the same book each week over and over again.
It’s also a great way to keep track of your own thoughts or at least put your own thoughts together throughout the reading.
And you can rant about something within the book before you write the review afterwards. 😀
The fourth questions is always something you usually don’t think about that much (Like last weeks tomes or the dislikeable character from the week before that or the the perspective a book is written in).
So it’s always interesting to see what you’ll have to think about next.
Even though it’s a good way to learn about other Blogs and others‘ current reads, I do have to admit that I only browse through the other entries, as by now there are really a lot of participating Blogs.
So as a suggestion I think it would be nice if every participant had to add the name of the book they are reading in their comment on the current Question-Post, so the browsing becomes easier.
Last but not least: A huge thank you to Schlunzenbuecher and Weltenwanderer who keep this project going and to Asaviel for creating it in the first place!
Here’s to many more weeks spent Reading Together!

Additional thoughts

Don’t forget to check out my raffle for posting two hundred posts on this Blog!
You can obviously participate in these questions by either using my translated or the original German version.
© For the cover, the quote and the banner belong to their rightful owners.

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