Tag Archives: hiveworks

Webcomics: Chapter Three – The Squirrely Ones

Lies auf Deutsch

A long time ago I planned to turn this thing into something regular on Wednesday. Me and plans, we still don’t like each other …

Anyway, as Katherina Ushachov (aka Evanesca) was looking for a few people to help promote her (German) novel „Zarin Saltan“ (Tzaritza Saltan) on today’s Squirrel Appreciation Day – yes, that’s a thing – I decided to make a schedule-exception and write about two comics that have squirrel-characters. Neat, right? 😀
(By the way: There will be another Fairy Tale Summer where I’ll talk about the Tzaritza some more.)

But let’s begin …

El Goonish Shive

I don’t remember when I discovered Dan Shives‘ El Goonish Shive, but it’s something I still enjoy reading.
It started off as a relatively poorly drawn comic, with no real plot, just two best friends living their lives in a world where lots of things were possible (like „Anime Style Material Arts“) because: Magic. Over its course the story picked up, the world building got stronger and the art got incredibly better. There was now reason to certain actions – without loosing „Magic’s flare for the dramatic“ – and the characters became deeper and more grounded.

Grace as squirely pirate

Updated three times a week the comic is accompanied by sometimes random, sometimes canon side-story the EGS:NP (currently running an instalment of Goonmanji, a Jumanji parody) and occasional sketches (like the one on the right).

There are many fun and diverse (gender, race and sexualities) characters. Nerdy and proud, yet vulnerable Susan being by far one of my favourites. The topics that are explored range from dating issues over teenage crime fighting up to world domination plots, all with a joke around the corner and good portion of magic.

As this is a post about squirrels let’s talk a bit about Grace. One of the main characters and a human-squirrel-alien hybrid. (Yes, there is not just magic, but also aliens in EGS, the main ones are called Uryoums). She can be horribly naive and oblivious to the things happening around her, due to her secluded upbringing, but when her friends need protection she becomes the badass fighter she was bred to be.
So look out, for this Squirrel might kick your ass! 😀


This is another webcomic where I don’t know how long I’ve been reading it. At some point I just stumbled across Twokinds by Thomas Fischbach and got drawn into the story due to its amazing art.

Though that’s not the only thing about it. While I have to admit that I haven’t quite figured everything out about this world filled with Keidrans (Canine- or Feline-based bipedal sentient animals) , Basitins (other animal creatures, that are not dogs) and Humans and their (racial) conflicts, do I enjoy following the characters journeys.

Mrs. Nibbly

And there are several journeys happening with the vast cast depicted above. Sure some of it is a bit too sexualized for my taste, but the Keidran characters act a lot according to their base instincts (the banner above portrays them with way more clothing than some of them usually wear). As this is also a story focusing a lot on its main character, is it another story, where I don’t like them. 😀 Instead I root for the side characters like the Wolf Natani who has to rediscover his own identity after his mind has been merged with that of his brother for a long time.

Another very minor character is Mrs. Nibbly, she is – you probably guessed it by the picture – a squirrel! A pretty smart and cool one at that, and also very brave. She just appeared out of nowhere at some point and stayed with the group, but I have a feeling there is more to her than meets the eye … she’s far too clever be „just“ a squirrel …


I hope you enjoyed this little look into two great webcomics. 🙂
Have you read them?
Do you know others with similar themes?
Let me know in the comments below!

If you’re a German reader, make sure to check the German version of this post. 😉


© For the pictures lie with their respective creators. I merely used them as example of their work and hope that’s okay.

Read in English

Webcomics: Die Eichhörnigen

Vor langer Zeit hatte ich mir vorgenommen, dieses Ding am Mittwoch in etwas Regelmäßiges zu verwandeln. Ich und Pläne, wir mögen uns immer noch nicht

Als Katherina Ushachov (alias Evanesca) am heutigen Welteichhörnchentag – ja, das gibt es – auf der Suche nach ein paar Leuten war, die für ihren (deutschen) Roman „Zarin Saltan“ werben wollen, entschied ich mich, eine Zeitplan-Ausnahme zu machen und über zwei Comics mit Eichhörnchen-Charakteren zu schreiben. Passend, nicht wahr? 😀
(Übrigens: Es wird einen weiteren Märchensommer geben, in dem ich noch etwas mehr über die Zarin sprechen werde.)

Aber lasst uns anfangen …

El Goonish Shive

Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, wann ich Dan Shives‘ El Goonish Shive entdeckt habe, aber es ist etwas, das ich immer noch gerne lese.
Es begann als relativ schlecht gezeichneter Comic, ohne wirkliche Handlung, nur zwei beste Freunde, die ihr Leben in einer Welt leben, in der vieles möglich war (wie „Anime Style Material Arts„), weil: Magie. Im Laufe der Zeit, wurde die Geschichte ausgebaut, das Worldbuilding wurde fundierter und der Zeichenstil hat sich unglaublich verbessert. Es gab nun Gründe für gewisse Aktionen – ohne „Magies Vorliebe für das Dramatische“ zu verlieren – und die Charaktere haben mehr Tiefe und Erdung bekommen.

Grace als eichhörnige Piratin

Dreimal wöchentlich aktualisiert, wird der Comic von einer manchmal zufälligen, manchmal kanonischen Nebengeschichte begleitet, der EGS:NP (derzeit laufen Folgen von Goonmanji, einer Jumanji-Parodie) und gelegentlichen Skizzen (wie die rechts).
Es gibt viele lustige und abwechslungsreiche Charaktere (Geschlecht, Rasse und Sexualität). Die nerdige und stolze, aber verletzliche Susan, zählt bei weitem zu meinen Favoriten. Die Themen, die verarbeitet werden, reichen von Dating Problemen über Teenie-Detektive, bis hin zu Weltherrschaftplots, alles mit einem Witz hinter jeder Ecke und einem guten Teil Magie.

Da dies ein Beitrag über Eichhörnchen ist, lasst uns ein wenig über Grace reden. Eine der Hauptcharaktere und ein Mensch-Eichhörnchen-Alien-Hybrid. (Ja, es gibt nicht nur Magie, sondern auch Aliens in EGS, die wichtigsten heißen Uryoums). Sie kann schrecklich naiv und ahnungslos gegenüber Dingen sein, die um sie herum geschehen aufgrund ihrer abgesonderten Erziehung, aber, wenn ihre Freunde in Gefahr sind, wird sie zur badass Kämpfer, zu der sie gezüchtet wurde.
Pass auf, denn dieses Eichhörnchen könnte dich umhauen! 😀


Dies ist ein weiterer Webcomic, bei dem ich nicht weiß, wie lange ich ihn schon lese. Irgendwann bin ich über Twokinds von Thomas Fischbach gestolpert und wurde durch seine erstaunlichen Zeichnungen in die Geschichte hineingezogen.

Obwohl das nicht das Einzige daran ist. Zwar muss ich zugeben, dass ich noch nicht alles über diese Welt mit Keidrans (Zweifüßlern auf Hunde- oder Katzen-Basis), Basitins (andere Tierkreaturen, die keine Hunde sind) und Menschen und ihren (Rassen-)Konflikten verstanden habe, aber ich genieße es, den Reisen der Charaktere zu folgen.

Mrs. Nibbly

Und es gibt mehrere Reisen, der riesigen Besetzung, die oben abgebildet ist. Sicherlich ist einiges davon für meinen Geschmack ein wenig zu sexualisiert, aber die Keidran-Charaktere handeln viel nach ihrem Grundinstinkt (das Banner oben zeigt sie mit viel mehr Kleidung, als manche von ihnen normalerweise tragen). Da dies auch eine Geschichte ist, die sich sehr stark auf die Hauptfigur konzentriert, ist es eine andere Geschichte, in der ich sie nicht mag. 😀 Stattdessen feure ich die Nebencharaktere an, wie den Wolf Natani, der seine eigene Identität wiederentdecken muss, nachdem sein Geist lange Zeit mit dem seines Bruders verschmolzen war.

Eine weitere sehr unbedeutende Figur ist Mrs. Nibbly, sie ist – ihr haben es wahrscheinlich auf dem Bild erraten – ein Eichhörnchen! Ein ziemlich kluges und cooles dazu, und auch sehr mutig. Sie tauchte einfach irgendwann aus dem Nichts auf und blieb bei der Gruppe, aber ich habe das Gefühl, dass sie mehr zu bieten hat, als man auf den ersten Blick sieht…. sie ist viel zu klug, um „nur“ ein Eichhörnchen zu sein….


Ich hoffe, dass euch dieser kleine Einblick in zwei großartige Webcomics gefallen hat.
Habt ihr sie gelesen?
Kennt ihr andere mit ähnlichen Themen?
Lasst es mich in den Kommentaren unten wissen!


Oh, schau! Da hat das #SchusselHörnchen doch tatsächlich eine Nuss hier gelassen!

Falls du nicht weißt, was du damit anfangen sollst, empfehle ich dir katherinas Beitrag dazu:
Schusseliges Eichhörnchen Schnitzeljagd zum Welteichhörnchentag mit Verlosung

Viel Erfolg bei der weiteren Suche. 😉


© Für die Bilder liegen bei ihren jeweiligen Schöpfern. Ich habe sie lediglich als Beispiel für ihre Arbeit benutzt und hoffe, dass das in Ordnung ist.

Webcomics: Chapter Two – Things that go bump in the night

I think it’s time to talk a bit about comics again, it’s been a while. As I said before is Hiveworks a treasure trove for great comics and I’d like to introduce you to these two relatively new titles.
I’m not entirely sure why I chose the spooky theme for this though. Maybe it’s because I recently finished reading The Sandman; maybe it’s because I’m already contemplating a Halloween-vacation to Ireland again; maybe it’s because I’ve drafted a sequel to Winter Moon and am thinking about expanding it further; maybe it’s because both comics are seemingly at a tipping point for the narration into something quite interesting; maybe it’s just because I want to write about them.
Take your pick and enjoy the read. 😉

Black Grass

© kino

This comic literally starts with something that goes bump in the night, so it was kind of also the inspiration for the title.
Black Grass tells the story of Reverent Abel Ruby (front) who besides being a preacher is also a medium (according to the description is he also clairvoyant, but that hasn’t appeared yet) and therefore able to interact with ghosts. One ghost in particular – Blue Valentine (back) gets him into a rather sticky situation involving hellish bureaucracy…
What drew me to this comic was pretty much the whole idea of a preacher-medium and I’m certain that DarkFairy’s Coelestin is entirely to blame for this – and I made sure to tell her about it when I discovered the comic (back in May last year apparently o.O) – even if he so far only had to deal with celestial poultry. 😀
Anyway, with close to a 100 pages it’s easy to catch up with this one – and hard to write about it without giving too much away, especially as the narration is quite fluid and fast. The characters are great and lovely and definitely not what you’d expect at first glance, especially Rejean seems to have a few more tricks up their sleeves that I’m quite looking forward to see…
I also really like the art style, the play with colours (especially when including the neon ones) and the way the different characters (humans, ghosts, demons) are designed. It balances well between light hearted humour and serious topics (death, duh) and I’m really curious where the story will lead.

Headless Bliss

© Chloé C

Headless Bliss by Chloé C in turn has a more adult air about it. It deals with nightmares, demons, cannibalism, but most of all: stories; or rather: What happens to the stories a writer abandons?
The Comic tells the story of Sinaj an incomplete story, created by a human, that tries to find meaning in her existence. On her way she encounters demon princess Annùn and the two of them become quite unusual friends. When Annùn’s mother Diov throws a human, that carries around the head of its twin (see picture), into the celebratory battle for her daughter things start going from bad to worse…

With a combination of an intriguing and intentionally „ugly“ (read not clean cut, but wobbly, weird and horrific) drawing style (befitting the genre) and interesting story telling, world building and characters this comic makes for a great read, even if some scenes are quite gruesome and disturbing (especially the tale of the Twins). It’s definitely not for for the faint hearted…
The story telling aspect itself is well interwoven in between the struggles of and between the characters and underlined with fascinating usage of movement without using panels and different kinds of narrative styles. One of the background stories is even told as another characters‘ weird dreams and as someone who also has veeery strange dreams that is something I can definitely relate to.
Interesting thing to know: It’s becoming more and more clear that this story has a larger connection to Chloé’s other work Go Get a Roomie, not just its creator. 😉


I hoped you enjoyed this little look into two great webcomics. 🙂
Have you read them?
Do you know others with similar themes?
Let me know in the comments below!
I know at least a couple of other comics with a similar theme, but on the one hand do I prefer focusing on two at a time with these things and on the the other hand do I think that they would work well enough on their own too.
So stay tuned for future updates.

© For the pictures lie with their respective creators. I merely used them as example of their work and hope that’s okay.

Webcomics: Chapter One – Reluctant Heroines

It’s been a while since I (re-)posted my introduction to Webcomics, but it’s about time that I actually turn it into a serial here on the Blog. Especially as today is Free Comic Book Day – and I can’t participate as we have our own version with different comics next week – and I’ve therefore had a super-hero-ish day on Twitter earlier.
And as tomorrow is mother’s day (over here?), I decided to start by looking at two comics with incredible female leads!

Strong Female Protagonist

© Molly Ostertag & Brennan Lee Mulligan

A lot of webcomic creators use each others help to get over taking a break and I am fairly certain that it was either a guest comic or an advertisement from one of the many other webcomics I read that lead me to this one.

At first I wasn’t quite sure about Strong Female Protagonist by Brennan Lee Mulligan and Molly Ostertag. It felt as if everything was just starting, even if it was already running for a while when I discovered it. The name of this webcomic might sound like a working title or just a note saying what someone wants the story to be about, but the story itself is so much more.

Main character Alison Green is a young woman that used to be an invulnerable, strong superhero, but retired to lead a normal life, yet that doesn’t really work out the way she wants it to. The story follows her struggles not just with her powers, but also with her differing views and ideals. Intentions and arguments are incredibly well explained and combined with a very nice and great – strong? – drawing style. The movements of the characters feel as natural as their decisions and feelings.
It’s slice of life, but not in a cheesy way, instead it’s more natural/realistic and definitely thought provoking.
Especially a story line concerning Alison’s dad got to me quite badly, as it hadn’t been that long that I’ve been through a similar thing when I read it.

This is not your typical Superhero story. It’s a story about a young woman, in a technologically advanced world with superheroes, wanting to do good – the right thing – that utilizes her special abilities and determination to change things, but doesn’t shy from making others see her point through well thought through arguments and accepting their opinions as well.


© Megan Lavey-Heaton & Isabelle Melançon

On the other hand there is Namesake by Megan Lavey-Heaton & Isabelle Melançon where main character Emma Crewe (front) is all but thrown into her „hero“ life.

In this story, that I stumbled upon over at Hiveworks (a great source to discover new comics, by the way), we follow her journey into the world of Oz and learn bit by bit more about the bigger picture of what makes Emma special and what evil (?) lurks in the background.

Where SFP goes for realism, Namesake has a few very interesting Fantasy elements. Magic is possible, Fairy Tale worlds are real and there are people carrying the name of Fairy Tale characters that have to live (or suffer) through parts of the stories we know from the books that are written afterwards by the writers in charge of the „Namesakes“.

Still, the existence of Fantasy elements does not mean the characters don’t act reasonable, quite the contrary. Emma is one of the few lead characters that I like (which is VERY RARE) because she struggles with her role, with her powers and most of all: Questions why the hell she is supposed to do something and what the hell she is supposed to do?! 😀 Where SFP is filled with calm contemplation, Namesake runs on a lot of situation humour and very human (read: flawed) characters.

It’s fun, it’s lovely and again incredibly drawn (though I have to admit I’ve mistaken a few characters for each other on occasion…) with a quite interesting colour schemes and really fun characters.


I hoped you enjoyed this little look into two great webcomics. 🙂
Have you read them?
Do you know others with similar themes?
Let me know in the comments below!

As next week is „Gratis Comic Tag“ (Free Comic Book Day) here, I might write another instalment of this about two more comics, not sure which ones, but we’ll see.


© For the pictures lie with their respective creators. I merely used them as example of their work and hope that’s okay.