As I told you this morning, today is Bad Wolf Day! (Find out more about it in the last post).
And as I now have placed all my slips of papers I’ll be posting the pictures of the „Hiding“ Spots. (They are both below and on my FaceBook page you can find on the right side)
As I’d also like to talk a little bit about them you can find some notes with the pictures and additional thoughts below the Gallery.
- Germany used to have funny yellow Phone Boxes, but by now they are only some panels of glass and a metal pillar… Still: It’s one of the best places to put a BAD WOLF paper for the First Doctor
- #2 gained his place in a bookstore previously called Weiland (pronounced somewhat like Vailand, making me think of Valeyard somehow…). Anyway this also is a fun OneShot collection by the creator of Ao No Exorcist.
- As #3 was stuck on Earth, he found his place in a bus-window. Originally I wanted to place #11 in the bus I would have to take on my way back, but somehow his paper vanished when I put #2 in place…
- Well, as the retailer for DVDs and CDs did NOT have anything from Doctor Who I had to chose a different series for #4… Well, at least it is a doctor…and a brilliant British actor…
- #5 for his favouritism for vegetables had to get a place during lunch. Therefore this one now inhabits a fake plant in one of our canteen-like places.
- When I had just decided to put #10 slip of paper into a Hamlet book it decided to fly up and away while I positioned #9…So #6 gets his spot instead.
- Our local library did not have anything about Doctor Who either, but I made them aware of it. At least they had a seemingly often read Torchwood Novel for #7.
- This sign says paediatrics and hangs on the side of a building that literally means: House of Doctors (Medical Centre). I thought it would be a good place for #8 as his journey started in a hospital.
- I had to put #9 close to/underneath this wolf statue…
Well, I had made 11 slips of papers, one for each Doctor, but somehow #10 and #11 – for whom I had rather fitting spots, just slipped away and started off their journey on their own…
#10 blew away when I was about to put #9 into place and #11 probably fell out when I had put #2 into the Manga. Therefore only nine where actually placed. I kind of see this as a sign, as it was the Ninth Doctor that encountered BAD WOLF. 😀
Through this I kind of could change the places I had in mind for the other Doctors, that did not have one at that time.
But let me tell you what I had in mind:
My first idea for him was, to put him in a book in the library, but as I looked for what was available, I not only discovered that our local library did not have anything from the series, but that it in fact only had one novel from Torchwood…
Beside that book I also found two interesting sounding books with „Who is who“ in their title – one about Science Fiction, the other about British History.
Unfortunately the latter two were no longer among the public inventory and would have to be ordered and that’s not what I wanted…
Anyway, I then decided to pick another Doctor and put him somewhere more fitting – and don’t ask me why I only had the idea for the Sixth Doctor first….
As I wrote for the picture Germany used to have huge yellow telephone boxes and I kind of miss those as they were more fun – yet more warm and filthy – than those glass and pole thingies you can see in the picture.
Where to place him was unknown to me for quite some time. Then I remembered that I had just bought a copy of Kazue Kato’s OneShot collection Time Killers and I simply hoped they would still have some issues in the bookstore.
As I wrote for the picture the store used to be called „Weiland“ which is approximately pronounced as: „Vailand“ – just with the weird way of pronouncing vowels in German – and it still reminds me of Valeyard…even though it was the Sixth who had his introduction I still picked that place for two…
This was the first paper I placed today and it was also the first where I knew where to place it.
I don’t know why. Okay, I think it was about the same time when I thought that #11 should have gotten a place in the bus as well, but still the first on my list.
And as I wrote above the slip of paper for #11 just vanished between placing #2 and #9…guess he did not want to take the bus…
This one was certain from the start as well. I wanted to put him next to Doctor Who DVDs, as I am looking forward to finally seeing his episodes/seasons, but as you can see and read above, there where no such things and the help I asked did not even no what Doctor Who was…(thought it was an interpreter…)…
Anyway, I instead found many seasons of another doctor (and yes, that’s the price season eight has in Germany), so I put him with those.
Number 5, the celery man. 😀
And therefore he needed to be placed where there is food and preferably vegetables. 😀
Originally I thought we would go to the soup bar, as we did quite a bunch of Mondays before, but the soup did not sound that tasty, so instead we went to the place with the fake plants.
(On a side node: The black fabric in the background are My two colleagues from the post before the last one 😉 )
This one had the note „telephone box“ next to it…but it ended up in a Hamlet novel – a version I actually read in grammar school – where I wanted to put #10s after much ado (I at first wanted to put him among Pratchett novels, then among the Harry Potter books I could not find and lastly among the Shakespeare works).
But for some reason his paper flew away when I was trying to get #9s…so #6 got his place.
Seven actually made it into the Torchwood book I had found in the library.
It was nice seeing the library for the first time after it had to move due to reconstructions in their old place. Confusing, but nice. And the woman from the reception did not know Doctor Who either, but they might order some stuff now 😉
As #8 was the Doctor that came to being in an Hospital – if I remember correctly – and the building is also called House of Doctors (a Medical Centre) I thought it was just fitting…
Besides Doctor Who is also partly a children’s show and that part read: paediatrics. I wanted to hang it near a sign saying „Humanmedizin“ (human medicine), but I could not find any…or it was too high for me to reach…
As soon as I remembered the wolf-statue I just had to put his paper there. After all it was him who encountered the BAD WOLF. 😀
Well, as #10 and #11 went missing and as I said what I had planned for them before, this is all.
I still don’t know if I participate on the 11th again and if anyone replies from one of my papers, but it was fun. 😀
And if I participate again I take the companions names and put them according to that.
I already know where I would put the one for Jack 😀
For Rory too, but for that I would have to ask IceWolf to get his paper to the Roman Museum I talked about in my travel report (Through a bit of Germany ’12). 🙂
Maybe we’ll see us with the next Bad Wolf Day 🙂
© Copyright for the displayed goods and the statue lie with their creators.