What'cha Watching Wednesday #4

To get back into the flow of Blogging I present to you the fourth instalment of the What’cha Watching Wednesday and its new logo.

WWWWhat is this about?

Each Wednesday evening I will publish a post in which I collected the thoughts I had throughout the week while watching the latest or any episode of a series or maybe even a movie.
Depending on how my time allows it, the comment will also be for those that I watched that day.
You’re warned: There will be Spoilers.

Let’s start

Supernatural – Season 10, Episodes 18: Book of the Damned (Watch Date: 16.04.)

Just like last week did Tumblr force me to catch up with this show. It’s just no use to get spoilered all over the place (I know you can block tags, but I’m too lazy for that).
I was mainly confused by the whole Book of the Damned plot. I mean Sam mentions the book back in There’s No Place Like Home and pretty much sends Charlie off to find it, but that’s about all of what we learn about it. Okay, it’s evil and written on the skin of an insane nun, but regardless of that we pretty much no nothing more than that it might me capable of helping Dean.
Also the inclusion of yet another party with the Styne family wasn’t well executed either – right now they feel as useless a side-plot as Cole. And why does it have to be a Nazi-support family again? I’m getting really tired of those…
When it comes down to it I think this episode had two good things:
#1: Charlie returned!
I really like Felicia Day. I first met her as Codex in The Guild, who is probably just as nerdy as Charlie, no Codex is nerdier…anyway, Felicia so far did not disappoint me in any of the roles I saw her in. With Supernatural her appearance always leaves me grinning, but also fearing that she will not see the end of the episode, both because she has a high likeliness of getting (badly) injured and the shows high amount of female(-lead) deaths…
It’s by the way interesting that Charlie’s real name is Celeste, which derives from the Italian name Caelestis, means nothing else than: „from the sky, heavenly“ or in other words: celestial. You could also count „Charlie“ as reference to Charlie’s Angels and get another direct connection to the other celestial beings – even if just by name.
So technically we had a gathering of the heavenly host at the Bunker, when Charlie and Castiel met for the first time this episode (Sorry, couldn’t resist that one…).
Speaking of celestial poultry:
#2: Castiel got his grace back!
While I still don’t like the behind-Deans-back part of the current story line, did I quite enjoy the dialogue between Castiel and Metatron.
Several times now it was implied that Castiel is not like other angels.

  • He is compassionate for (certain) humans (in particular).
  • He enjoys being around them
  • He willingly defies orders to do what he believes is the right thing to do.
  • He thinks in colours.

The way I see it, was the only reason his missing grace bothered him, was the fact that he couldn’t continue to help and felt useless and was even willing enough to die as punishment for what he had caused in Heaven. He also felt so bad when he took another angels‘ grace that he had pretty much given up and would have used it until nothing remained and he would get back to the point before he got it, but as he saw a glimpse of hope to restore his own grace, he took it.
But why did I like the conversation?
Metatron not just implied, but directly asked what Cas even is right now. They discuss – well Metatron has more or less a monologue about it – being human and show some of its perks. He doesn’t even consider Castiel to be an Angel of the Lord any more. At that point Cas is living on borrowed grace and not really following anyone’s orders but his own – and maybe the Winchesters. He also has experienced humanity in many different ways (being mortal himself, watching humanity, being with the Winchesters, …) So when we finally see Castiel’s wings again it is kind of a big shock.
When we first saw them back in Season Four a fan made this theory of the molting angel and that raising Dean from hell had quite an impact on him/his wings.
But now…well…his wings are barely existing any more and it is kind of terrifying. I can’t look at pictures of it without feeling bad for him…
But somehow, aside from the very bad state of his wings, do I kind of get the feeling – and judging from some theories regarding this Season’s intro others do as well – that Castiel will (have to) sacrifice his grace/himself to safe Dean from the Mark and become mortal in the process. It just seems like everything is pointing in that direction…

The Pretender – Season One (Watch Date: 16.-22. April)

Again I haven’t really gotten around to watch more than this…
But currently it is more the re-watch with Unmei in German.
It’s weird because some of the translations are quite different from the original. The best example would probably be the often quoted key-conversation between Miss Parker and Sidney regarding Jarod’s return to The Centre.

Sidney: „The Centre wants him alive.“
Parker: „Preferably“
Sidney: „Das Centre will ihn aber lebend.“ (But the Centre wants him alive)
Parker: „Wenn sie meinen“ (If you say so)

Aside from that is it difficult to answer Unmei’s questions, because even if I don’t answer to not spoiler her, she sometimes considers it an approval of her theory.
But it is interesting to see her reactions to some of things. For one does she not like the sinister grin Jarod has when he starts to plot the punishment/confession. I have to admit it is quite creepy, but it certainly fits. Though I do wonder why people don’t realize that his expression has changed throughout the revealing conversation…
Still, one thing is for sure: We would both never want to be on his bad side…

What were you watching?

What episodes (or movies) did you enjoy/dislike throughout the week?
Anything you’d recommend checking out?
Let me know in the comments below!

Final Words

With Age of Ultron around the corner I think I’ll now have to catch up on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as it is said that the story again leads to what happens in the movie.
We’ll see if I can manage to do that before going to the cinema.

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