Giving continuity another try I present to you the third instalment of the Weekend Guess.

What is the Weekend Guess?
Three riddles formulated by me that are puns and wordplays on the answer itself I put on here for my readers to answer.
Why am I doing this?
For no apparent reason, just because I consider the idea to be funny.
What are the questions about?
Everything I can think of I guess, but mostly song titles and bands that you have to figure out.
What is your part in this?
You can try to figure out my riddles and see if you can manage to get behind them and understand what I am describing.
What is in it for you?
So far: Nothing, but the knowledge that you managed to unlock one of my silly riddles.
Let’s start with the third set of questions
With all three I am looking for both band name and song title.
A high ranked preacher of a Christian traitor violating the rules.
An air of transformation coming from arachnids with venomous stingers.
The upper part of an engine-body with a metal umlaut gambling in hope of a spadille.
Leave your guesses in the comments below and I can see if my questions are too easy or to hard to figure out. I will give the correct answer with the next instalment.
Have fun figuring them out! 🙂
Solution for last weeks Weekend Guess:
#1 Johnny Cash – The Ring of Fire
#2 Limp Bizkit/The Who – Behind Blue Eyes
#3 Alice Cooper – Poison
This time no one really tried guessing them, so I can’t congratulate anyone. (A colleague at least guest some „bands“.)