Hey there,
if you entered this page then you’re either curious as to what this page is about or who is behind it.
Wenn es Ersteres ist, dann:
Ich habe den Blog in 2012 gestartet, um nicht nur mein Englisch zu verbessern, sondern auch meine Kreativität in geschriebene Wörter zu fassen indem ich über verschiedene (random) Themen (inklusive Film/Buch und Konzert/Festival Reviews) blogge oder meine eigenen stories. schreibe. Es war und ist für mich eine Möglichkeit, Gedanken, die mich beschäftigen aus meinem Kopf zu bekommen.
Over the years it also became a platform to let you take part in my way to becoming a published author and being an author in Germany.
This Blog is all that and more. It’s my place to give you a glimpse into my life and I’m grateful for everyone joining into the conversation or simply enjoying the things they read on here.
If it’s the second then:
My early interest in fairy tales turned into a fascination for myths and legends of all kinds, but also a liking for everything Fantasy-related. A similar path was taken from (Disney) Cartoons and Anime to (Web) Comics and other nerdy things: X-Men, Spider-Man, Buffy and Doctor Who. You name it and I have either looked into it or have it already on my list.
Oddly enough, while bats are amongst my favourite animals, do I not like Batman; or most DC characters in general. I am more of a Marvel-person.
Ich bin ein Metalhead und gehöre daher zu einer anderen „Dunklen Seite“ (ohne vorher von den involvierten Keksen zu wissen, auch wenn ich dankbar bin, wenn sie serviert werden).
Apart from all of the above am I also certified to ask: “Have you tried turning it off and on again?” thanks to my degree in Computer Science (and Business Management) and working as a Software-Engineer.
Solltet ihr wegen etwas komplett anderem hier sein:
I am not responsible for the pages I link to or take as reference. Copyright holders are named accordingly.
The rights to my own stories and texts are mine. Usage is only allowed with my permission - no guarantee. (More information here: Impressum)
If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to contact me: poisonpainter(at)ymail.com or use the contact form on the Impressum-page.
Hi there, Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog and the follow, hope you liked what you saw. Looking forward to seeing more from you, 🙂
Hiermit verleihe ich dir feierlich den „Liebster-Award“! (Mal wieder. Aber man muss ja nicht mitmachen 😉 )
Herzlichen Glückwuschen.
Was du tun musst um den Award anzunehmen, siehst du hier: https://darkfairyssenf.com/2014/07/17/liebster-award-2/
Ich habe dich getaggt 😉
Für dich heißt es jetzt auch „Ab in den Herbst“!