
Soo…instead of more Filler posts, I’ve decided to participate in this writing challenge by Katie Kling and her friend Kristin that will last during the month of May. Leave your thanks for this over at DarkFairy’s, who wrote about it first. 😉

What’s the challenge about?

#LoveWritingChallenge is a Social-Media-Parade for Authors.
Katie and Katrin want to share their love for writing and want to know about other peoples projects. That’s why they came up with this cross-media challenge to help people discover new books and get to know new authors.
For this they thought up theme weeks. Each week will be a new theme with seven sub-theme, starting on 1st May.

How can you participate?

Pick one or more themes of the challenge and simply write a post about it, create a picture, make a video or do whatever you like for your Blog or Social Media account. What exactly you’ll be talking about is up to you. You don’t have to write something for each daily theme, you might even make a collection post or something just for the weeks theme. They don’t want to have a strict set of rules.
If you write a blog post, link it to the main post and/or leave a comment there.
If you post something on Instagram, tag @thewritingcat or @katie_kling_autorin.
If you post on Facebook you can tag @autorinkatiekling.
Additionally use the Hashtag #LoveWritingChallenge.
This way they know about the participations and Katie can sum them up in post at the end of the week.

Week One

Die ersten Themen

The first themes


Well, this is what you can expect the following weeks.
Let’s see if I’ll make it through it. 😉


  1. I think I’m going to participate, too. Just not sure whom to introduce…
    The details of my sci-fi-novel are still top secret (I was afraid to leak too much of it in my blogpost on dystopian fiction, but apparently my publisher liked to post, so I guess it was okay).
    My fairytale adaption is ALSO top secret for some months to come.
    My vampires… well, I want to offer those to a publisher, too.
    But I still have one day left 😀

    1. I’d at least be interested in learning more about your stories!
      As I don’t have a publisher behind me I can pick my characters from all those many stories I have, but I’ll focus on a few longer ones and don’t think I’ll go into that much detail either and just sum some interesting things up and stuff. 🙂

      1. Yes, that’s perfect freedom :D.
        I can’t even talk about some of my independent stuff, since I’m not even entitled to tell anyone when I’m gonna publish them. (Only as much as you can deduct from Facebook: My book is NOT fairytale No. 5 😛 )
        Well, I might introduce my mages… Since I haven’t even finished planning everything that needs to be planned in advance and it may take like 10 years till I start I might as well tell something about those…
        I’m looking forward on learning about your characters and stories!

        1. Perfect freedom, but also kind of disappointing on the publishing aspect if you think about it. 😉
          You could also wait a week and see what next weeks theme is?
          I’m looking forward to thinking about my characters from different points of views, too. 🙂

          1. Well, nowadays nothing prevents you from selfpublishing :). Just do it if you feel like it <3.
            Nah, I would really like to participate from the start… Maybe I can introduce someone who will not come up in a novel for the next 20 books or so…
            That'll be great!

  2. Hey, very cool that you want to participate 🙂 Have a look at thewritingcat’s Instagram Account, you’ll find an English version of the challenge there. Btw, her name is Kristin (not Katrin – that is my name 😀 )
    I’m really looking forward to reading your posts!

  3. Aw, it’s amazing that you want to participate in our challenge! <3
    I'm excited to see your posts!

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