Tag Archives: guessing

The Weekend Guess #109

Another Question for the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer. Have fun guessing and trying to collect some points. 😉
Hinweis: Das Rätsel wird übersetzt werden, der komplette Beitrag nicht.

wegWhat is the Weekend Guess?

A riddle formulated by me that could contain puns and wordplays on the answer itself are put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

I like puns and riddles and as I am trying to find a way for people to gain points for a price at the end of the Challenge, I decided to give it another try. 🙂

What are the questions about?

These twelfth special Question are all about Fairy Tales, it’s the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer after all. 😉

What is your part in this?/Was ist deine Aufgabe dabei?

You can try to solve the riddle./Du kannst versuchen das Rätsel zu lösen.
What is in it for you?/Was bringt das für dich?

You can gain five points for the overall Fairy Tale Summer Challenge! /
Du kannst fünf Punkte für die gesammte Märchensommer Challenge sammeln!

Let’s take a look at the ninth Fairy Tale Riddle/
Lasst uns einen Blick auf das neunte Märchenrätsel werfen:

Lessons in the Haunted Castle./
Lektionen im Spukschloss.

Which Fairy Tale am I looking for?/
Welches Märchen suche ich?

The Weekend Guess #108

Another Question for the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer. Have fun guessing and trying to collect some points. 😉
Hinweis: Das Rätsel wird übersetzt werden, der komplette Beitrag nicht.

wegWhat is the Weekend Guess?

A riddle formulated by me that could contain puns and wordplays on the answer itself are put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

I like puns and riddles and as I am trying to find a way for people to gain points for a price at the end of the Challenge, I decided to give it another try. 🙂

What are the questions about?

These twelfth special Question are all about Fairy Tales, it’s the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer after all. 😉

What is your part in this?/Was ist deine Aufgabe dabei?

You can try to solve the riddle./Du kannst versuchen das Rätsel zu lösen.
What is in it for you?/Was bringt das für dich?

You can gain five points for the overall Fairy Tale Summer Challenge! /
Du kannst fünf Punkte für die gesammte Märchensommer Challenge sammeln!

Let’s take a look at the eighth Fairy Tale Riddle/
Lasst uns einen Blick auf das achte Märchenrätsel werfen:

Frustrating Name search./
Frustrierende Namenssuche.

Which Fairy Tale am I looking for?/
Welches Märchen suche ich?

The Weekend Guess #107

Another Question for the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer. Have fun guessing and trying to collect some points. 😉
Hinweis: Das Rätsel wird übersetzt werden, der komplette Beitrag nicht.

wegWhat is the Weekend Guess?

A riddle formulated by me that could contain puns and wordplays on the answer itself are put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

I like puns and riddles and as I am trying to find a way for people to gain points for a price at the end of the Challenge, I decided to give it another try. 🙂

What are the questions about?

These twelfth special Question are all about Fairy Tales, it’s the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer after all. 😉

What is your part in this?/Was ist deine Aufgabe dabei?

You can try to solve the riddle./Du kannst versuchen das Rätsel zu lösen.
What is in it for you?/Was bringt das für dich?

You can gain five points for the overall Fairy Tale Summer Challenge! /
Du kannst fünf Punkte für die gesammte Märchensommer Challenge sammeln!

Let’s take a look at the seventh Fairy Tale Riddle/
Lasst uns einen Blick auf das siebte Märchenrätsel werfen:

Clothes make the man; and the Marquis./
Kleider machen Leute; und den Grafen.

Which Fairy Tale am I looking for?/
Welches Märchen suche ich?

The Weekend Guess #106

Another Question for the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer. Have fun guessing and trying to collect some points. 😉
Hinweis: Das Rätsel wird übersetzt werden, der komplette Beitrag nicht.

wegWhat is the Weekend Guess?

A riddle formulated by me that could contain puns and wordplays on the answer itself are put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

I like puns and riddles and as I am trying to find a way for people to gain points for a price at the end of the Challenge, I decided to give it another try. 🙂

What are the questions about?

These twelfth special Question are all about Fairy Tales, it’s the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer after all. 😉

What is your part in this?/Was ist deine Aufgabe dabei?

You can try to solve the riddle./Du kannst versuchen das Rätsel zu lösen.
What is in it for you?/Was bringt das für dich?

You can gain five points for the overall Fairy Tale Summer Challenge! /
Du kannst fünf Punkte für die gesammte Märchensommer Challenge sammeln!

Let’s take a look at the sixth Fairy Tale Riddle/
Lasst uns einen Blick auf das sechste Märchenrätsel werfen:

Fishy Wish-fulfilment./
Fischige Wunscherfüllung.

Which Fairy Tale am I looking for?/
Welches Märchen suche ich?

The Weekend Guess #105

Another Question for the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer. Have fun guessing and trying to collect some points. 😉
Hinweis: Das Rätsel wird übersetzt werden, der komplette Beitrag nicht.

wegWhat is the Weekend Guess?

A riddle formulated by me that could contain puns and wordplays on the answer itself are put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

I like puns and riddles and as I am trying to find a way for people to gain points for a price at the end of the Challenge, I decided to give it another try. 🙂

What are the questions about?

These twelfth special Question are all about Fairy Tales, it’s the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer after all. 😉

What is your part in this?/Was ist deine Aufgabe dabei?

You can try to solve the riddle./Du kannst versuchen das Rätsel zu lösen.
What is in it for you?/Was bringt das für dich?

You can gain five points for the overall Fairy Tale Summer Challenge! /
Du kannst fünf Punkte für die gesammte Märchensommer Challenge sammeln!

Let’s take a look at the fifth Fairy Tale Riddle/
Lasst uns einen Blick auf das fünfte Märchenrätsel werfen:

Exchange frenzy./

Which Fairy Tale am I looking for?/
Welches Märchen suche ich?
I never understood the character in this Fairy Tale…

The Weekend Guess #104

Another Question for the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer. Have fun guessing and trying to collect some points. 😉
Hinweis: Das Rätsel wird übersetzt werden, der komplette Beitrag nicht.

wegWhat is the Weekend Guess?

A riddle formulated by me that could contain puns and wordplays on the answer itself are put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

I like puns and riddles and as I am trying to find a way for people to gain points for a price at the end of the Challenge, I decided to give it another try. 🙂

What are the questions about?

These twelfth special Question are all about Fairy Tales, it’s the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer after all. 😉

What is your part in this?/Was ist deine Aufgabe dabei?

You can try to solve the riddle./Du kannst versuchen das Rätsel zu lösen.
What is in it for you?/Was bringt das für dich?

You can gain five points for the overall Fairy Tale Summer Challenge! /
Du kannst fünf Punkte für die gesammte Märchensommer Challenge sammeln!

Let’s take a look at the fourth Fairy Tale Riddle/
Lasst uns einen Blick auf das vierte Märchenrätsel werfen:

Musical retiree trip to the North Sea coast./
Musikalischer Rentnerausflug an die Nordseeküste

Which Fairy Tale am I looking for?/
Welches Märchen suche ich?

This riddle was created by my dad and I think it’s hilarious. :D/
Das Rätsel stammt von meinem Papa und ich finde es unglaublich lustig. 😀


The Weekend Guess #103

Another Question for the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer. Have fun guessing and trying to collect some points. 😉
Hinweis: Das Rätsel wird übersetzt werden, der komplette Beitrag nicht.

wegWhat is the Weekend Guess?

A riddle formulated by me that could contain puns and wordplays on the answer itself are put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

I like puns and riddles and as I am trying to find a way for people to gain points for a price at the end of the Challenge, I decided to give it another try. 🙂

What are the questions about?

These twelfth special Question are all about Fairy Tales, it’s the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer after all. 😉

What is your part in this?/Was ist deine Aufgabe dabei?

You can try to solve the riddle./Du kannst versuchen das Rätsel zu lösen.
What is in it for you?/Was bringt das für dich?

You can gain five points for the overall Fairy Tale Summer Challenge! /
Du kannst fünf Punkte für die gesammte Märchensommer Challenge sammeln!

Let’s take a look at the third Fairy Tale Riddle/
Lasst uns einen Blick auf das dritte Märchenrätsel werfen:

The clock strikes seven when it’s dinnertime./
Die Uhr schlägt Sieben wenn Essenszeit ist.

Which Fairy Tale am I looking for?/
Welches Märchen suche ich?

The Weekend Guess #102

Another Question for the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer. Have fun guessing and trying to collect some points. 😉
Hinweis: Das Rätsel wird übersetzt werden, der komplette Beitrag nicht.

wegWhat is the Weekend Guess?

A riddle formulated by me that could contain puns and wordplays on the answer itself are put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

I like puns and riddles and as I am trying to find a way for people to gain points for a price at the end of the Challenge, I decided to give it another try. 🙂

What are the questions about?

These twelfth special Question are all about Fairy Tales, it’s the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer after all. 😉

What is your part in this?/Was ist deine Aufgabe dabei?

You can try to solve the riddle./Du kannst versuchen das Rätsel zu lösen.
What is in it for you?/Was bringt das für dich?

You can gain five points for the overall Fairy Tale Summer Challenge! /
Du kannst fünf Punkte für die gesamte Märchensommer Challenge sammeln!

Let’s take a look at the second Fairy Tale Riddle/
Lasst uns einen Blick auf das zweite Märchenrätsel werfen:

Deerly and Ghostly./
Rehchen und Geistchen.

Which Fairy Tale am I looking for?/
Welches Märchen suche ich?


The Weekend Guess #101

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I wont restart this topic entirely, but I decided to resurrect it for twelfth instalments for the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer. So have fun guessing and try to collect some points. 😉
Hinweis: Das Rätsel wird übersetzt werden, der komplette Beitrag nicht.

wegWhat is the Weekend Guess?

A riddle formulated by me that could contain puns and wordplays on the answer itself are put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

I like puns and riddles and as I am trying to find a way for people to gain points for a price at the end of the Challenge, I decided to give it another try. 🙂

What are the questions about?

These twelfth special Question are all about Fairy Tales, it’s the Fairy Tale Summer/Märchensommer after all. 😉

What is your part in this?/Was ist deine Aufgabe dabei?

You can try to solve the riddle./Du kannst versuchen das Rätsel zu lösen.
What is in it for you?/Was bringt das für dich?

You can gain five points for the overall Fairy Tale Summer Challenge! /
Du kannst fünf Punkte für die gesammte Märchensommer Challenge sammeln!

Let’s take a look at the first Fairy Tale Riddle/
Lasst uns einen Blick auf das erste Märchenrätsel werfen:

Vegetarian predilection causes isolation./
Vegetarische Vorlieben sorgen für Isolation.

Which Fairy Tale am I looking for?/
Welches Märchen suche ich?
I will post a proper list of how you can collect points next week./
Eine genaue Auflistung, wie die Punkte gesammelt werden können, bekommt ihr dann nächste Woche.
Schöne Pfingsten 🙂
P.S. I have nothing against Vegetarians, I just don’t want to live without meat…

The Weekend Guess #100

And here you have it the one hundredth instalment of the Weekend Guess!

Eine Gedankenblase mit dem Schriftzug "The Weekend Guess" auf blauem Grund und in einem braunen Rahmen

What is the Weekend Guess?

Up to three riddles formulated by me that are puns and wordplays on the answer itself I put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

For no apparent reason, just because I consider the idea to be funny.

What are the questions about?

Everything I can think of I guess, so far the things you had to figure out were song titles and bands, movies and books. Currently it’s random topics ranging from the stuff before and whatever I feel like asking about.

What is your part in this?

You can try to figure out my riddles and see if you can manage to get behind them and understand what I am describing.

What is in it for you?

So far: Nothing, but the knowledge that you managed to unlock one of my silly riddles.
Before we do that here is the

Solution for last weeks Weekend Guess:

Space Jam

DarkFairy and fruehstuecksflocke guessed it correctly, so congratulations!

And now, let’s have a look at the one hundredth question

Who would have thought I’d manage to reach a hundred posts with this? o.O

Obviously this is more of a rhetorical question than an actual guess (which doesn’t mean you can’t still write an obligatory „I did“ in the comments 😉 ), but it leads me to the following announcement:

This instalment is the LAST Weekend Guess.

Yes, you read that correctly.
Starting next week there won’t be any new guesses.

For quite some time now I’ve been bored by it and never really knew what I should ask for (hence the late posts) and the lack of participation didn’t improve my motivation to continue.
So I decided to fill up the big 100 and be done with it.

I still had fun thinking up all these weird questions and I was always excited to find my usual suspects answering my silly wordplays and riddles, so thanks to everyone who participated!

The Weekend Guess was never a competition, but I took the liberty to count the participations, to see who was able to give the most correct answers, who had the most consecutive correct answers, where the longest streak of answers was and which was the question with the most answers.

So here we go:

The Guessers

1 correct Guess:

FinnNiklasPeters (#1), 21stcenturysisyphus (#56) and Ed Mooney Photography (#71)

5 correct Guesses:

Evanesca Feuerblut (#52, #74, #95, #96, #97)

11 correct Guesses:

Nazgul (#42, #54, #55, #56, #67, #68, #69, #72, #92, #93, #97) – who never commented on here

16 correct Guesses:

DarkFairy (#25, #27, #28, #38, #39, #40, #51, #63, #68, #77, #78, #82, #83, #91, #92, #99)

And 21 correct Guesses:

fruehstuecksflocke (#28, #29, #32, #33, #35, #36, #38, #39, #40, #43, #45, #62, #66, #69, #80, #87, #89, #90, #97, #99)
If I missed anything let me know!

The most consecutive answers

Evanesca: #95, #96, #97
Nazgul: #54, #55, #56 and #67, #68, #69
Fairy: #38, #39, #40

The longest answering streak

(questions that where answered by all participants in a row)
#89, #90, #91, #92, #93
(second longest:#66, #67, #68, #69;
third longest: #27, #28, #29 and #38,#39, #40 and #54, #55, #56 )

The most answered question

Question #97 was answered 4 times.
Fairy, Evanesca, Nazgul and fruehstuecksflocke all knew who The court sorcerer of a legendary king was. 😉
(The questions for: #28, #38,#39, #40, #56, #68, #69, #92, #99 all got two answers)
I guess now you’ve seen enough numbers. 😉

What now?

Honestly? I don’t know. We’ll see.
What I do know, is that I’d like to award my participants with a little present as a thank you for sticking with this thingy.
So, Evanesca, fruehstuecksflocke, Nazgul and Fairy (re)send me your address information, so I can send you a little something as soon as I figure out what it is! 🙂

And for everyone still yearning to answer more questions:

I created a quiz on Poll-Maker for the second category (movies: #25-49) and try to get the other two (books: #50-74 and random: #75-99) on there as well (possibly music: #1-24 too, but we’ll see).
So have fun checking out: Poisonpainter’s Weekend Guess (Movies) and let me know how well you score 😉

[Edit: Poll-Maker is no longer free, so I took down the Quiz. Maybe one day I’ll do a proper Quiz again.]
