Tag Archives: blogging

On a Side Note #4.1: Re-Scheduled

As I told you last time do I want to try writing with a proper schedule.
Right now that doesn’t really work and I just wanted to tell you about it.
For today I wanted to write a post for ferngeweht’s new Blog-Parade, but I just didn’t get around to finish it.


Well, because my flat is currently being renovated.
Which means:

  • I had to prepare my flat for the renovation.
  • As a Smartphone-not-user do I not really have access to the Internet outside of my flat.
  • I wont even be staying in my flat while they’re busy renewing the pipes in my kitchen and bathroom.

Additionally, will I also be at an In Extremo warm-up concert tomorrow and next week I’ll be at the Rockharz again.
Oh, and there is the whole thing with the water damage that I now have to deal with, thanks to the pipe that could not wait for tomorrow – there will be a rant later on.
So the plan is, that I’ll finish the Blog-Parade for the 5th July (a bit past the dead line, but Sabine gave me her okay) and the next What’cha Watching Wednesday and Webcomic-chapter will be postponed by a week.
As the 1st July also marks the end of the Story Sunday call for prompts you still have a little time to add yours to EveEstelles, otherwise I’m not sure if I’ll pick up the segment or simply use it for my writings outside of Your Picture – A Story and stuff. (My next YP-AS story will possibly be published on the 17th July with a picture by Selenophile Art)
So yeah, that’s the status right now.
Proper work with the Blog will hopefully be possible starting 18th July at least.
Watch out for my Twitter feed to get short tid bits of thoughts and suggestions.
Until we meet again!

Good riddance, 2015

Finally this awful year is at its end and I don’t really feel like writing more about it then necessary – those who followed this Blog throughout the year, know what I’m talking about – and therefore point you to the WordPress‘ helper monkeys* who prepared their annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,800 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 47 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Have a save Journey into the new Year, see you in 2016!

* The German version has elves, the English one gets monkeys… 🙁

Advent Calendar: Door/Türchen #19

Read in English


Helle Sonnenstrahlen bahnten sich ihren Weg durch die nicht komplett zugezogenen Vorhänge und mit einem Grummeln erwachte Damian langsam aus einem erholsamen Schlaf. Er brauchte einen Moment um richtig wach zu werden, stand auf und wusch sie das Gesicht mit dem Wasser, das gestern bereits in sein Zimmer gebracht worden war. Nachdem er sich angekleidet hatte breitete er die entwendeten Geldbeutel auf seinem Bett aus und überlegte, wie er ein paar von ihnen wieder ihren Besitzern zukommen lassen würde, ohne sich auffällig zu machen.
Den Inhalt des größten Beutels verteilte er. Einen Teil steckte er in die anderen Beutel, einen Teil noch zusätzlich in seinen eigenen Beutel, ein paar Münzen ließ er in diverse Taschen seines Rucksacks und seiner Kleidung wandern. Ein paar Geldstücke ließ er im eigentlichen Beutel, da er diesen später auf der Treppe fallen lassen würde, sodass es Aussah, als wäre er ausgekippt und der Inhalt verteilt und aufgesammelt worden.
Einen weiteren Beutel würde er unter einen Tisch im Schankraum werfen und darauf warten, dass jemand anderes ihn fand.
Einen Dritten würde er dem Wirt geben und behaupten, dass er ihn gefunden hatte, in diesen würde er fast den gesamten Inhalt lassen, damit niemand erkannte, dass er sich daran bedient hatte.
Sobald sein Plan stand machte sich Damian an die Arbeit ihn umzusetzen. Er verstaute die restlichen Beutel in seinem Rucksack und steckte die ausgewählten drei Beutel in seine Jackentaschen, dann machte er sich auf zum Frühstück.
Auf der Treppe schaute er sich um und lies dann nach einigen Stufen den großen Beutel unauffällig fallen. Ein paar der verbliebenen Münzen rollten klirrend die Stufen hinab, aber sie waren nicht laut genug um Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen und das Geräusch hätte genauso gut davon kommen können, dass er eine der Münzen mit dem Fuß erwischt hatte.
Unten im Schankraum war noch nicht sonderlich viel Betrieb. Ein paar vereinzelte Gäste saßen und aßen ihr Frühstück, einige lagen noch auf den Bänken und schliefen ihren Rausch von der vorherigen Nacht aus.
Damian beschloss, dass er das Fallenlassen des zweiten Beutels auf später verschieben und erst einmal nur den anderen Beutel abgeben würde. Er setzte sich an einen der leeren Tische und der Wirt kam auch bald auf ihn zu.
„Na was darf’s zum Frühstück sein?“, fragte er sogleich.
Damian bestellte und fragte dann: „Könnt Ihr herumfragen, wem dieser Beutel gehört? Ich habe ihn vorhin gefunden“ und zeigte dem Wirt den vorbereiteten Geldbeutel.
„Natürlich. So ehrliche Finder gibt es nicht häufig. Der Besitzer wird sich sicherlich freuen!“, kommentierte der Wirt und nahm ihm den Beutel sogleich ab.
„Ich will nur helfen, Ihr dürft den Ruhm und Finderlohn gerne für Euch nehmen“, schlug Damian mit einem Lächeln vor.
„Sehr großzügig“, bemerkte der Wirt und machte sich auf in die Küche.
Während er auf sein Essen wartete beobachtete Damian den Schankraum und überlegte, wie er den letzten Beutel am besten loswerden würde. Ihn fallen zu lassen und mit dem Fuß wegzuschließen hielt er momentan für zu gefährlich. Irgendwer würde es in der Stille des Morgens sicherlich bemerken, aber es würde sich schon eine Gelegenheit bieten.
Sein Frühstück war noch nicht mal halb aufgegessen als ein spitzer Schrei durch das Gasthaus hallte. Damian und viele der anderen Gäste schreckten auf, einige eilten sogar die Treppe herauf, als ein weiterer, tieferer, Schrei und lautes Gepolter ihnen entgegen kamen. Ein Knecht war auf einer der Goldmünzen ausgerutscht und rutschte nun die Treppe hinunter in den Strom der Männer hinein. Damian stand mittlerweile und beobachtete das Geschehen aus der Ferne, dann drangen Stimmen von der Treppe.
„Meine Herrin! Ihr Schmuck! Gestohlen!“, keuchte der gefallene Knecht.
Stimmen wurden laut, als einer er Männer den Beutel fand und ein weitere sich über seinen eigenen Verlust beklagte. Es war Zeit für Damian zu verschwinden, aber die Meute auf der Treppe versperrte ihm den Weg und von außen hatte er keine Chance in sein Zimmer zu gelangen, das hatte er am Vortag bereits ausgekundschaftet. Er könnte sich Ohrfeigen über diese Wendung, warum hatte er sich nicht schon längst auf den Weg gemacht? Warum hatte er sich entschieden noch etwas zu bleiben? Der Wirt rief die Männer von der Treppe weg und Damian nutzte den Moment um den letzten Beutel auf den Boden fallen zu lassen und wegzutreten.
„Hey~!“, lallte jemand plötzlich hinter ihm.
„Du has‘ was fall’n lass’n“, schrie der noch immer Betrunkene ihn regelrecht an.
Die Männer, die bereits von der Treppe weg getreten waren schauten nun zu ihm herüber und Damian versuchte so zu tun, als wäre er lediglich gegen den Beutel getreten und hob ihn mit leicht zittriger Hand auf.
„Das hab ich also getreten“, überlegte er laut.
„Pah! Das aus dein‘ Tasche ‘fallen“, lallte der Andere, der anscheinend mehr gesehen, als Damian gehofft hatte und deutete auf Damian mit schwankendem Arm.
Einer der Männer kam auf ihn zu und nahm ihm den Beutel aus der Hand.
„Kam der aus deiner Tasche?“, fragte er ruhig, aber betont und schaute eindringlich auf Damian herab.
„Nein, hab ich doch gesagt! Ich bin dagegen getreten und das hat den Suffkopf geweckt!“, verteidigte sich Damian.
„Quatsch! Hab’s doch selb’s seh’n!“, maulte der Betrunkene.
„Wo ist deine Kammer?“, fragte der Große – wie Damian den anderen Mann mittlerweile nannte, woraufhin Damian nur mit einem verwirrten „Was?“ reagierte, als auch schon der Wirt dazu kam und sagte: „Im ersten Stock. Ich zeig‘s Dir!“
„Hey! Ihr habt kein Recht einfach in mein Zimmer zu gehen!“, beschwerte Damian sich und versuchte den Wirt festzuhalten.
„Verbirgst du etwas, Bursche?“, wollte der Große wissen.
„Nein, aber ich habe nichts getan! Ich habe vorhin sogar einen anderen Beutel abgegeben, den ich gefunden habe!“, versuchte Damian sich zu verteidigen.
„Gefunden oder gestohlen?“, mischte sich nun ein weiterer ein.
„Lass uns einen Blick in dein Zimmer werfen und alle Beschuldigungen werden beseitigt sein, wenn wir nichts finden“, schlug der Große vor und Damian hatte keine andere Wahl, als nachzugeben und gemeinsam mit ihm und den anderen nach oben zu gehen.
Ängstlich sah Damian sich nach einem Fluchtweg um. Er würde seine Sachen, seine Beute und alles verlieren, was er nicht am Leib trug, wenn er jetzt floh, aber er würde eventuell eine Chance haben davon zu kommen und nicht für seine Tat bestraft zu werden.
Als sie im Zimmer angekommen waren überlegte er, ob er schnell genug war zwischen den Beinen der Männer, die die Tür blockierten hindurch zu krauchen, aber der Große, der ihn hochgeführt hatte, schien seinen Gedanken zu folgen und hielt ihn an der Schulter fest. Ein weiterer Mann war indes dabei seinen Rucksack auszuräumen.
„Sieh auch in den Taschen nach!“, bemerkte ein anderer.
Damian wand sich im Griff des Großen, aber er hatte keine Chance sich zu befreien. Schließlich schüttete der andere den Rucksack kopfüber auf das Bett aus und einige Geldstücke lösten sich aus dem Wirrwarr aus Stoff und Leder und rollten auf den Boden. Der Mann warf den Rucksack vorerst Beiseite und fing an den Inhalt zu durchwühlen.
„Na was haben wir denn da?!“, sagte er triumphierend und drehte sich mit der geöffneten Schatulle zu ihnen um, das feine Tuch sorgfältig über den Rand ausgebreitet.
Für alle sichtbar lagen darin die Ohrringe der Rittersdame, die Kette und die Ringe, die Damian entwendet hatte. Damian wäre am liebsten im Erdboden versunken, aber auch dazu ließ ihm sein Bewacher keine Chance.

Hinter den Kulissen

Mit Damian’s Geschichte geht es weiter hinter dem 22. Türchen.

Wenn ihr in der Zwischenzeit bei den anderen vorbei schauen möchtet, dann startet neu bei Türchen 1 und entscheidet euch zwischen Sasha und Mina.
Abgesehen davon, dass Damian ja scheinbar doch kein so guter Dieb ist wie er denkt, ist dieser Beitrag trotzdem was besonderes.
Er ist nämlich mein:

300. Beitrag!

Und das obwohl die 200 gerade mal Anfang des Jahres war und ich gefühlt sehr wenig veröffentlicht habe…
Mal schauen, ob ich irgendwas dazu mache, die Auflösung des Gewinnspiel’s vom letzten Mal lässt ja auch noch auf sich warten… >_<
Wie auch immer, ich hoffe euch gefällt die Geschichte bisher.
Bis Morgen,
© Für Geschichte und Charaktere liegen bei mir. Verwendung oder Weitergabe nicht ohne meine Zustimmung.
~~~~~~~ ❄ ~~~~~~~ ❄ ~~~~~~~ ❄ ~~~~~~~ ❄ ~~~~~~~ ❄ ~~~~~~~
Lies auf Deutsch

Bright rays of sunlight made their way through the not entirely closed curtains and with a groan Damian slowly awoke from a restive sleep. He needed a moment wake up entirely, stood up and washed his face with the water had been brought to his room the day before. Next he got dressed and spread the pilfered purses on the bed and thought of how he could return some of them to their owners without getting noticed.
He split the content of the largest purse. A part of it he put into the other purses, another he added to his own purse, a few coins wandered into the different pockets of his backpack and clothing. A few coins he left in the actual purse as he wanted to drop it on the stairs later, so that it would like as if it had tipped over and the content had been scattered and collected.
Another purse he wanted to drop below a table in the bar and wait for someone else to find it.
The third one with nearly all its content, so that no one noticed that he’d taken something from it, he would give to the innkeeper and claim that he had found it.
As soon as his plan was ready Damian got to work and realize it. He stashed the remaining purses in his backpack and put the selected three purses into his jacket pickets then he went down to get breakfast.
On the stairs he looked around and inconspicuously dropped the large purse after a few steps. Some of the remaining coins rolled down the steps with a clanking noise, but they weren’t loud enough to attract attention and the noise sounded as if he had simply kicked a coin with his foot.
Down in the bar not much was happening yet. A few lonely guests sat and ate their breakfast; some still lay on the benches sleeping off their hangovers from the previous night.
Damian decided that he’d shelve the dropping of the second purse for later and would only give away the other purse. A sat down at an empty table and waved the innkeeper over.
“Well, what should it be for breakfast?” He asked right away.
Damian ordered and then asked: “Could you ask around whom this purse belongs to? I found it earlier” and showed the innkeeper the prepared purse.
“Of course. There rarely are such honest finders. The owner will certainly be delighted!” The innkeeper commented and took the purse from him.
“I only want to help, you may take the glory and the finder’s fee”, Damian suggested with a smile.
“How generous”, the innkeeper noted and retreated to the kitchen.
While he was waiting for his meal Damian watched the bar and thought about how he could best get rid of the last purse. Dropping it and kicking it away with his foot would be too dangerous at the moment, he reckoned. Someone would certainly notice it in the silence of the morning, but there would come an opportunity.
His breakfast wasn’t even half finished as a high pitched scream echoed through the inn. Damian and some of the other guests startled, some even hurried up the stairs as a second, deeper, scream and loud rumbling came towards them. A servant had slipped on one of the gold coins and now slid down the stairs into the stream of men. Damian stood by now and watched the events from a far, then voices came from the stairs.
“My Mistress! Her Jewels! Stolen!” The Servant panted.
Voices rose as one of the men found the purse and another complained about his own loss. It was time for Damian to disappear, but the men on the stairs blocked his way and from outside he didn’t have a chance to get to his room, he had checked that the day before. He could slap himself for this turn of events, why had he not left already? Why had he decided to stay a bit longer? The innkeeper called the men away from the stairs and Damian used the moment to drop the last purse and kick it away.
“Hey~!” Someone suddenly slurred behind him.
“You’ve dropp’d som’thin’”, the still drunk downright yelled at him.
The men who had already gotten away from the stars now looked towards him and Damian tried to act as we had simply kicked the purse and picked it up with a shaking hand.
“So that’s what I kicked”, he thought loudly.
“Pah! I’ fell fr’m yo pock’t”, the other slurred, who had apparently seen more than Damian had hoped and pointed towards Damian with a shaky arm.
One of the man came over to him and took the purse from his hand.
“Did this come from your pocket?” He asked calmly, but emphasized and looked insistently down to Damian.
“No, I just said it! I kicked it and it woke the drunkard!” Damian defended himself.
“Nonshense! Saw It m’self!” The drunkard grumbled.
“Where is your room?” The Tall Guy – as Damian called the man by now, asked whereas Damian could only react with a confused “What?” before the innkeeper got involved and said: “On the first floor. I’ll show you!”
“Hey! You have no right to just enter my room!” Damian complained and tried to hold back the innkeeper.
“Are you hiding something, boy?” The Tall Guy wanted to know.
“No, but I didn’t do anything! Earlier I even gave him a purse that I had found!” Damian tried to defend himself.
“Found or stolen?” Another guy now butted in.
“Let us take a look into your room and all accusations will be cleared if we don’t find anything”, Tall Guy suggested and Damian had no choice but to give in and go upstairs with them.
Frightened Damian looked around for an exit route. He would have to leave his belongings, his loot and everything that he didn’t carry on him if he fled now, but he might have a chance to get away without being punished for what he had done.
As they arrived in the room he thought if he was fast enough to crawl between the legs of the men that blocked the entrance, but the Tall Guy, who had lead him upstairs seemed to follow his though and grabbed him by the shoulder. Meanwhile another man cleared his backpack.
“Look into the pockets!” Another suggested.
Damian wiggled in the hold of Tall Guy, but he didn’t have a chance to free himself. Finally the other guy lifted the backpack head first and emptied onto the bed and a few coins got loss and rolled out of the tangle of cloth and leather onto the ground. The man threw the backpack aside for the moment and started picking through its content.
“Well, look what we have here!” He said triumphantly and turned around to them, the open jewel case with the scarf neatly folded across the edges in his hand.
The earrings of the knight’s lady, the necklace and the rings, that Damian had pilfered all lay visible for everyone to see. Damian wished the ground would swallow him up, but his guard didn’t give him a chance to do that either.

Behind the Scenes

Damian’s story will continue behind the 22nd door.
If you want to see what the others are doing in the meantime, go back to the 1st door and choose between Mina and Sasha.
Aside from the fact that Damian seems to be not as good a thief as he thought he is, is this post still something special.
Because it is my:

300th post!

And that even though the 200 was just at the beginning of the year and it feels like I haven’t published that much…
Well see, if I do something for the occasion, the conclusion from last times raffle still hasn’t been published after all… >_<
Anyway, I hope you like the story so far.
See you tomorrow,
© For the story by me. Do not use or repost either without my permission.

Blogger Recognition Award

I should write sooo many different things and my fingers are itching to type my latest chapter for my newest addition on Fanfiction.net/Animexx – that I have yet to put on here. Alas, I want to be patient and instead write about this instead.
Yesterday I checked my Reader for new posts from the Blogs I’m following and discovered that wrencollins nominated my for the Blogger Recognition Award.

I’m really flattered for receiving this. It feels like I’m doing something right, if people I don’t know personally are willing to nominate me for such things. 🙂

The Award

Unlike the Liebster Award this one is not bound by the number of followers or anything. It simply is there to show the Bloggers you nominate that you appreciate what they are doing. Or to put it in the words of the awards‘ creator Eve from Edge of Night:

When you say, „Hey! I’ve nominated you for so-and-so award! Congrats!“ and give one of these simple little pictures to a fellow blogger, you’ve probably just made that person’s day. You’ve inspired them to keep writing posts. You’ve given their confidence a little boost, and helped to make them feel that they are a part of this community. You’ve made them happy by being generous and showing your appreciation. There’s nothing better than that.

So, let’s see what this award brings with it:

  • Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to. Do some digging if you must! Find those blogs. You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you.
  • Write a post to show off your award! Give a brief story of how your blog got started, and give a piece or two of advice to new bloggers. Thank whoever nominated you, and provide a link to their blog. List who you’ve nominated in the post. Make sure to also attach the award itself! (You can do this by right-clicking, saving, and uploading the image above).
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you’ve nominated them. Provide a link to the award post you created.
  • Provide a link to the original post on Edge of Night. That way, anyone can find the original guidelines and post if needed, and we can keep it from mutating and becoming confusing.

In the Beginnings…

I had many thoughts and contemplated for quite some time if I should actually create a Blog for myself. When I learned how to do it I tried my luck with a homepage for different topics, but it just wasn’t what I wanted to do, so I scrapped it and went on. Then in 2007 I found The Forum and enjoyed sharing my thoughts in the discussions there. It was a lot of fun until it closed thanks to the then weird admin. Early 2008 I re-discovered its new version, now run by a different admin, and the discussion began anew. I met new people, even made some good friends – Fairy, Nazgul, Liathano, I’m looking at you 😉 – and a lot of interesting acquaintances. Then I started studying and the thoughts of a Blog came back slowly but surely. In 2011 I released my first story on Fanfiction.net, but that wasn’t my first story written by far. I already had some original short stories published in The Forum and I wanted to have a place where I could collect them all. So when I started discussing a project with my then beta reader I decided to create this Blog back in 2012.
And here I am now three years later and non the wiser. 😀


Puh…I think I’m not that good at giving advice and usually people look for advice that tells them how to do things to be successful and with not even 200 followers (on WP alone) after three years, I wouldn’t consider myself to be a successful Blogger…
But what I can tell you is this:

  • Try not to be bothered by others being better than you. There will always be someone who has more followers, has the better design and the more read posts. Be happy for them instead, they worked hard for it and deserve it.
  • Try not to push yourself to write THE successful story. Write what YOU want to write about, not what everyone else deems popular!
  • Try not to feel bad if you don’t have a regular schedule. It helps a lot to get a reader base if you regularly post something, but things happen and you can’t always write something in time.
  • Most importantly: HAVE FUN! Don’t push yourself to do things you don’t feel like doing and take time off to try something different if you’re stuck. Half-assed posts aren’t fun for everyone involved.

And the Award goes tooo….

Obviously I have to nominate people myself and whoops I can’t count apparently, as I only nominated those that I haven’t nominated before – I think…

Have fun my dears and thanks for being part of the Blogosphere!

Three Years

Today marks the third anniversary of my Blog.
Another year has passed and I’m still blogging.
It was a really good year, until it got quite awful towards the end and any improvement will probably take a while.
But that’s beside the point.
Today I’ll announce the winner of my little raffle a few weeks back in honour of my 200th post and this anniversary as well.

As a reminder the prices were as follows:

#3: A Clue Writing Story written from your clues (setting + five clues)
#2: A Story written from a title you chose or for a picture you took.
#1: A Story of whichever category you like (e.g. clues, title, picture, even a Fanfic would be alright)
And without further ado let’s skip to the good part:

The Drawing

For quite a while I had only two participants DarkFairy and Gabriele.
The third participant commented earlier this day and was lucky to write before I finished this post.
Yet, as that one only left me with an „XXX“ as name and an E-Mail address that looks fake am I not able to include her/him in the drawing. (Though I do have a suspicion of who might be behind that alias…)
Therefore the race is between Fairy and Gabriele and is concluded by the throw of a dice.
If the dice lands on an even number: Gabriele wins the first place.
If the dice lands on an uneven number: Fairy wins the first place.
As I don’t have a physical dice here – at least I can’t think of a place where I put one – I will use this side: Virtual Dice.
So, let’s role….

And the Winner is…


That leaves Fairy for place #2!


As for you „XXX“, if you’re participation wasn’t just a ruse, I will grant you the third place and for the next time, please use real contact data – at least for the duration of the competition, afterwards it can be changed to fake data.
For all of you these rules still apply:

  • With this post and the upcoming comment to your comment I have informed you of your price. If I don’t hear back from any of you within a week the price will be assigned anew – or due to the lack of participants: cease to exist.
  • Suggestions for either of the prices have to be decent (no propaganda for violence, racism, pornography, etc.)
    • In case of the picture: You have to own the rights to it.
    • In case of the Fanfic: It would be nice if you choose a Fandom and characters I know.
  • The Story will be written in a reasonable time frame ranging from one week  until six months after receiving the instructions (Sorry, I can’t say how things will work out during the next few months). Further delays will be announced.
  • The Story will be as long as I see fit, but at least 800 words.

I’m curious what stories await me.
And maybe for the next anniversary I think up something better than a story.
Cheers, to the new year!

Two Hundredth Post-Raffle

Welcome to my two hundredth post on this Blog!

It hasn’t even been a year since I managed the One Hundred and now I’m already at two.
For a while now I’ve contemplated what I should do for this occasion and with some personal stuff going on, I nearly decided to do nothing and/or wait for the third anniversary of my Blog instead.
But as the latter is fast approaching as well and I don’t want my negativity to ruin this, I have decided to make a little raffle, instead of another On the Road So Far that I just had.
As you all know does a raffle usually include some prices.
Though, as I don’t feel like picking up random stuff from around the flat to send away into the world, I thought up something different.
From my explorations with the Advent Calendar last year and the new project over at DF.PP Entertainment, I do believe you know the character of the prices, but let’s have a look at them anyway:

The Prices

#3: A Clue Writing Story written from your clues (setting + five clues)

#2: A Story written from a title you chose or for a picture you took.

#1: A Story of whichever category you like (e.g. clues, title, picture, even a Fanfic would be alright)

Does this sound interesting to you? A Story written from the things you give me?
Then this is

What you have to do to enter

Write a comment below this post, which post or category you like reading most on this Blog and why.

Deadline: 19.02.2015

Things you need to know:

  • The winners will be randomly chosen on the day of the deadline.
  • They also will be informed of their price with the post on the 19th and a comment to their comment here. If I don’t hear back from any of them within a week the price will be assigned anew.
  • Suggestions for either of the prices have to be decent (no propaganda for violence, racism, pornography, etc.)
    • In case of the picture: You have to own the rights to it.
    • In case of the Fanfic: It would be nice if you choose a Fandom and characters I know.
  • The Story will be written in a reasonable time frame ranging from one week  until six months after receiving the instructions (Sorry, I can’t say how things will work out during the next few months). Further delays will be announced.
  • The Story will be as long as I see fit, but at least 800 words.

I’m curious how many of you will participate and what I will have to write and I hope you don’t mind that I made this choice instead of giving away random goodies.
Good luck everyone!

Happy New Year

Here we are again.
A new day and even more so a new year.
So, let me repeat and add to my title:

Happy New Year! May all your plans and wishes come true to your liking!

Now that that’s said:

What has this new year in store?

Many things that I don’t know yet, but a few I can influence.
As I told you before am I planning to do another Book-Week in January, namely in the week from the 12th to the 18th, because on the 17th Unmei and I will be visiting the Harry Potter Exhibition in Cologne.
On the 19th I’ll be at another concert of the Knight Shoe (Sabaton), this time with Anice and Danger from the Black Pack and Babsi and Jenni from the Out&Loud.
I’m looking forward to either of those. 😀
In May I’ll be at a Blind Guardian concert, though I’m not entirely sure, who else will be there…
It is also highly likely that Anice and I will return to the Rockharz in July and won’t travel to Sweden – at least not this year.
But I hope Janzy and I will finally manage to make our trip to London, after she got her Master’s degree. 🙂
The rest is pretty open yet, but there are a few things I want to accomplish writing-wise.
Well, most of all I need to finally catch up with the remaining Festival/Concert reviews, I’m far behind on those ones and I’ll try to get them done before June (and some of those other media reviews I still wanted to write throughout the year).
I also want to finally finish Crossing Over – I managed to post the full amount of two chapters last year. Then there is The Return of Magic that doesn’t have a proper ending yet, but I want to at least get it actually started.
And the one I’m most anxious about is probably the re-write of the Elevator tale. I now have some more ideas to go on and I think I can improve it.
But I’m not planning on only writing Fanfiction, I also want to continue my original work. The tales of the Dwarves demand to be continued and one story only needs to be typed, the other finished and then there are many more notes that could lead to more stories.
Then there is Your Picture – A Story, DarkFairy and mine new project over at DF.PP Entertainment that will see me write new stories for photographs. (Feel free to send us your work, to be included in it. 😉 )
And I’ll try to get the concept and idea for this years Advent Calendar, I’m fairly certain it will be a 24 chapter long story.
With all this writing I still want to continue reading though. In the last hours of 2014 I managed to finish my 20th book that year and I would like to read at least the same amount this year as well. The reading challenges will help me pick the books.
Well, that’s all I can think of right now.
Guess we’ll see what this new year has in store after all. 🙂

Bye, bye 2014

It’s already time for this year to end and I decided to take a look back with the help of WordPress.com’s annual report.

The Posts

From what I already saw in May did the Fandom posts indeed became the most read ones.
The one about the Doctor Who 2048 game gained 1839 views in total and the Elevator Meme reached 380. Surprisingly two posts from 2013 made it into the top list as well and seem to still be of interest to some Googlers. 🙂
Does this now mean for me that I should write more Fandom posts to please my readers?
Well, I certainly will continue to write about some of it, but I’ll pick the topics that interest me most.
Other than that did I manage to write an incredible amount of posts in these past twelve months, though that is mostly thanks to the Weekend Guesses and my Advent Calendar with together a total of 69 posts.
I nearly managed to write my 200th post in this year as well, but I’m short 17 posts.

The Readers

Most interesting for me in this statistic was the fact that I had readers from 82 countries all across the world.
That is quite impressive to me and to think they all read what I’ve written here is also a tad scary.
Though regardless of this I still only got a few comments, most of them from DarkFairy and fruehstuecksflocke and mostly for the Guesses.
Interestingly I showed up amongst the top commenters on two other Blogs, namewise Pop goes the Culture and Weltenschmiede, where I had some quite interesting conversations.
I’m grateful for all the comments I got, but I wouldn’t mind getting more, so feel free to leave me your thoughts in 2015. 😉

The Report

Now enough is said about it, just have a look at what the WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared as a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 5,100 times in 2014. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 4 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

The Year in general

2014 was a quite interesting year.
I finally got my Bachelor’s degree.
I attended several pretty great festivals (Out&Loud, Rockharz, Metalfest) and concerts (Schandmaul, Van Canto, Bela B., Eluveitie/Arkona).
I also travelled again and this time not just throughout Germany, but also to Ireland.
And I discovered some interesting new Blogs and started a new regular post and also successfully given you my Advent Calendar.
I caught up with a bunch of series (e.g. Merlin, Supernatural, Being Human, … ) and been in the cinema for a few times (like for X-Men) or watched movies on DVD. With a renewed enthusiasm I started to properly read again, resulting in a Book-Week in the week leading up to a visit to a Book Hotel and two reading challenges I participate in.
And if I manage to get some quiet time today, I’ll even manage to finish my twentieth book this year (only 50 pages left).
And probably many more things I can’t think of right now.
So you see, a lot has happened this year.
What will 2015 bring?
We’ll see about that tomorrow. 😉
That said I’d like to repeat my words from Sunday:

I wish you all a save journey into the new year or in short Guten Rutsch!


Re-Wri-Day: Travelling

While I wrote the post about Fernweh I decided that it was time to finally have a look at those two posts again.

ReWriDayWhat is the Re-Wri-Day?

Inspired by EdMooneyPhotography’s Re-Work-Wednesday and based on the fact that my writing style for this Blog has changed over the past years, I kind of created my own version of this.

But why the strange name and what does it mean?

I’m awful when it comes to puns and I couldn’t help myself but to turn re-write and Friday into one strange word: Re-Wri-Day. Sorry…
But in conclusion: These posts are supposed to be always published on a Friday, but not necessarily on every Friday, just the Fridays when I feel like editing an old post beforehand.

And what am I doing with this?

I am taking my old posts from the beginnings of writing this Blog or just former posts and read them again to see what things I can change or add. They wont necessarily be actually re-written, but some changes will be made.
In the Re-Wri-Day post I’ll also give you a couple of thoughts on why I had chosen the topic and stuff you might be interested in.

So, let’s have a look at the pages I changed: Through a bit of Germany 2012 and 2013

When I recently had a look at my old travelogues again I was struck by the sheer masses of texts.
So I did the only thing possible and added more line breaks and a few headlines and rephrased some sentences.
I hope this way the logs are easier to read and to enjoy.
And as I won’t make a Re-Wri-Day for the Re-Wri-Day’s, because that would be silly, I’m just stating it here:
Thanks to DarkFairy this category now also has a logo. 🙂

DF.PP Entertainment re-animated

DarkFairy and my mutual project DF.PP Entertainment is getting back into business!
Inspired by my idea for my Advent Calendar Fairy wanted to use it to get back into writing herself.

But to fill our slumbering Blog with new life we need your help!

Below the topic Your picture – A story“ (/“Dein Bild – Eine Geschichte„) we want to write short stories for the pictures that are send to us.

And these are the rules for submissions:

  • You have to own the right to the picture. (You will be named in the post of course – except if you want to stay anonymous)
  • The picture has to be decent (no propaganda for violence, racism, pornography, etc.)
  • The picture has to be send as mail (attachment or link) with the subject “Your Picture – A Story” to one of the following adresses:

We will try, but we can’t promise that there will be a story for every picture (and maybe not a translation if the story is written in German). If we write a story, it will also be linked with the picture on our own Blogs (my collection will be here: Your Picture – A Story ).
So, if you want to help us continuing what I’ve started with the Advent Calendar and help us to get into the proper mood to finally finish our book „Warlords“ make sure to send us pictures.
We greatly appreciate all the help we can get and look forward to all the things we’re going to receive. 🙂