Category Archives: Nerd-Week

Nerdwoche: Warum eigentlich Superheldinnen?

Read in English

Ursprünglich sollte diese Nerdwoche nur vom 5. bis zum 12. gehen, als aber eine Teilnehmerin ausfiel und sich dann drei Leute mit interessanten Themenideen fanden, habe ich sie dann doch spontan noch verlängert.

Heute dann der erste Beitrag von Michelle Janßen, der wie ich finde sehr passend in die Thematik einleitet.

Warum brauchen wir Heldinnen und was ist das Problem mit denen, die wir schon haben?

Superhelden – DC and Marvel machten sie von der heimlichen Obsession zum weltweiten Kinohit. Alle paar Monate erreicht uns die Nachricht über einen neuen Film. Batman, Superman, die Avengers und die X-Men begeistern dabei Groß und Klein gleichermaßen. Wir befinden uns in einer Zeit, in der die Fans mehr Inhalte und Specials bekommen, als sie verarbeiten können.

Erst kürzlich wurden dabei zwei wichtige Meilensteine erreicht. Mit einer fast ausschließlich afro-amerikanischen Besetzung machte Black Panther Schlagzeilen. Einige Wochen davor wurde Wonder Woman in den Kinos gezeigt – eine Superheldin alleine auf der Leinwand. Endlich.

Doch warum ist es so ein großer Schritt für uns, einen Film über eine Frau zu machen, die genauso stark ist wie ihre männlichen Kollegen? Heldinnen an sich gibt es ja. Pro Universum zwar nur ein-zwei Stück, aber sie existieren. Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Catwoman, Black Widow, Gamora, Scarlet Witch, Storm, Jean Grey and Mystique – um nur die großen Namen zu nennen.

Mit Frauen in dem stark männlich (und weiß) dominierten Genre hat man(n) sich schon länger abfinden müssen. Wieso also ist Wonder Woman so eine Sensation

Weil es kaum Filme gibt, in denen die Frauen im Zentrum stehen. Bis auf die Catwoman-Filme und die Serie Supergirl fallen mir persönlich gerade keine ein. Und selbst da sind Männer oft in großen Rollen vertreten. Größer, als die der Heldinnen in den „regulären“ Filmen. Denn wenn sie nicht gerade in ihren viel zu engen Kostümchen durch die Gegend rennen, um 30 Sekunden lang badass zu sein (Black Widow/Gamora/Storm) oder für Streit zwischen Männern sorgen (Mystique/Jean Grey) stehen die Heldinnen einfach im Hintergrund herum oder tauchen gar nicht erst auf.

Ein gutes Beispiel hierfür bieten die Avengersfilme – und das sage ich schweren Herzens, mit meiner Captain-America-Cap auf dem Kopf und den vorbestellten Kinokarten für Infinity War an der Wand.

Black Widow ist so unfassbar großartig – aber wann macht sie eigentlich was anderes, als Cap zu helfen, schnelle Autos zu fahren oder in der Gegend herumzustehen? Wird gekämpft zoomt die Kamera kurz auf ihren, von hautengem, glänzendem Stoff bedeckten, Körper, während sie ein paar Leute ziemlich cool ausschaltet und dann taucht sie erst 10 Minuten später wieder auf, wenn alles vorbei ist. Die wenige Hintergrundgeschichte, die wir von ihr haben, ist düster und wird andauernd nur angedeutet, während die Männer ganze Bücher über ihre Armee-Vergangenheit und Vater-Probleme verfassen könnten. Die anderen Frauen sind eigentlich nur dabei, damit es genug Liebesdrama geben kann – siehe Sharon. Wieso hat man ‚Ladyhelden‘ denn, wenn nicht für die Lovestory und die Brüste?

Dabei sind richtige Heldinnen so wichtig!

Denn sie geben jungen Frauen und Mädchen das Gefühl, dass sie auch stark sein können. Wir brauchen sie, um nicht nur Mädchen zu zeigen, wie stark Frauen sind, sondern auch Jungs und Männern. Sie geben uns Hoffnung und andere Kostümoptionen für Halloween als sexy Katze oder Krankenschwester.

Doch genau da geht es weiter. Nicht nur, dass die Superheldinnen entweder hauteng und schwarz tragen oder weniger Klamotten am Körper haben, als der Durchschnittsteenager auf einem Musikfestival – wenn es denn mal ein annehmbares Kostüm gibt, welches man wiedererkennt und seiner 11 Jahre-alten Nichte anziehen kann, ohne Angst zu haben, sie auf den Strich zu schicken, gibt es dies nicht zu kaufen. Zwischen 10-fachen Ausgaben von Iron Mans Maske, Captain Americas Schild und Spider-Mans Anzug findet sich absolut nichts von Black Widow und Co.

Die Gesichter der Frauen fehlen auch auf anderem Merchandise, wie dieser Artikel von Todd Kashan zeigt. Wir brauchen dringend mehr Heldinnen, aber was bringt das, wenn wir nicht mal Merchandise für die paar bekommen, die wir schon haben.

Und wenn es dann mal ein richtiges Kostüm gibt, sieht es genauso aus, wie eines der Männerkostüme – nur mit BH statt Brustplatte – weil die paar Heldinnen, die ein richtiges Kostüm haben Abklatschversionen von Männern sind.

Rezept für eine Superheldin

  • Man kopiert einen Helden in die Zwischenablage,
  • Zieht ihn komplett aus bis auf einen stylischen BH und viel zu enge Hosen,
  • Nimmt ihm die Muskeln weg,
  • Gibt ihm dafür gigantische Brüste und
  • Erfindet einen Namen, der genau wie der originale Name ist aber Lady, Girl oder She beinhaltet.

Wenn einem das zu anstrengend ist, kann man auch einfach eine Modepuppe vom H&M mitgehen lassen, den BH ein bisschen ausstopfen, sie in schwarzes Leder einkleiden und jedem erzählen, dass sie MEGA BADASS ist, wenn alle gerade nicht hinschauen.

Sharon Carters offizielle Biografie schreibt, dass sie dazu erzogen wurde Cap zu idealisieren, sich zu einer Mini-Version von ihm machte und so in die Avengers aufgenommen wurde. Und das sollen wir uns dann als Vorbild nehmen? Nein danke.

Wir brauchen starke, differenzierte Frauenrollen in diesen Filmen! Frauen, die stark sind und eigene Kräfte haben, statt einfach eine weibliche Version von Superman (Supergirl), Hulk (She-Hulk), Thor (Thor Girl) oder einem anderen Superhelden zu sein.

Gerade bei den Aliens (Superman/Thor) frage ich mich ja, wieso sie nicht nur alle weiß und männlich und super sexy sein müssen, sondern auch warum alle Frauen weibliche Versionen der Männer sind. Ich meine… what?

Bonus: Und wenn es eine Frau gibt, die einigermaßen Original ist, wird sie grün angemalt, statt sie schwarz wie ihre Schauspielerin zu lassen (Gamora). Yay Marvel!

Frauen sind mehr als Modepuppen und potenzielle Partnerinnen für die starken Helden!

Wir befinden uns in einer Zeit, in der Superheldenfilme für alle sein sollten. Trotzdem bringen wir Filme wie Batman vs. Superman, in denen ein weißer, reicher, gutaussehender Typ gegen ein Alien kämpft, welches (warum auch immer) ebenfalls weiß und männlich und gutaussehend ist, weil ein WEITERER weißer, gutaussehender Typ im Hintergrund die Strippen zieht. Es ist 2018 und die einzige Frau im Film, die wirklich was macht ist Wonder Woman und die hat weniger als 5 Minuten Screenzeit.

Die Filmproduzenten nehmen gerne das Geld von uns Frauen, in dem sie Black Widow in der typischen Arsch-zuerst-Pose auf das Plakat packen – aber uns richtige Frauenrollen, richtigen Merchandise und eigene Filme zu geben, denken sie sich lieber weibliche Versionen ihrer Männer aus, die sie nach 3 Sätzen direkt wieder ignorieren.

Wir sind mehr als nur weibliche Versionen von etwas. Wir sind für mehr gut als nur unsere Brüste und Liebeskonflikte.

Wir brauchen so dringend mehr Heldinnen aus aller Welt (nicht nur weiße Frauen, das ist kontraproduktiv, liebe X-Men-Produzenten), die tolle Talente haben und diese auch zeigen. Frauen die Hintergrundgeschichte haben, tatsächlich eine wichtige Rolle für den Plot spielen und uns ‚normalen‘ Frauen und Mädchen zeigen, dass wir genauso großartig sein können wie sie.

Mit anderen Worten: Wir brauchen Superheldinnen, die auch tatsächlich für Frauen erschaffen wurden.

Weitere Artikel

Die Autorin

Michelle Janßen ist eine süddeutsche Schriftstellerin, Jungjournalistin, Essayistin und Studentin der Germanistik und Geschichte an der Uni Freiburg. Mit 14 beendete sie ihr erstes Drama und widmet sich seit dem vornehmlich Kurzgeschichten (der erste Band erschien 2012), Kinderbüchern, Fantasy- und Geschichtsromanen und Dramen (‚Das Mädchen und der Tod‘, ‚Namenlos‘).

Neben ihrem belletristischen Schreiben ist sie im Rahmen ihrer Universität außerdem ein Teil des Freiburger Stadtmagazins Chilli und veröffentlichte bereits mehrere Artikel den Feminismus betreffend in kleineren britischen Zeitschriften und Sonderausgaben.

Blog: Büchnerwald
Twitter: mianjanssen

Morgen geht es dann weiter mit meiner Rezension zu Tina Skupins „Die Supermamas“
© For the cover belongs to its rightful owner.
Lies auf Deutsch

Originally this nerd week was only supposed to go from the 5th to the 12th, but when one participant dropped out and then three people with interesting topic ideas popped up, I spontaneously extended it.

Today is the first article by Michelle Janßen, who I think introduces the topic very appropriately,

Why do we need heroines and what’s the problem with those we already have?

Superheroes – DC and Marvel turned them from a secret obsession into worldwide blockbusters. Every few months we receive news about a new film. Batman, Superman, the Avengers and the X-Men inspire young and old alike. We are at a time when fans are getting more content and specials than they can handle.

Only recently, two important milestones were reached. With an almost exclusively Afro-American cast, Black Panther made headlines. A few weeks before, Wonder Woman was shown in cinemas – a superheroine alone on the screen. Finally.

But why is it such a big step for us to make a film about a woman as strong as her male colleagues? Heroines in themselves exist. Only one or two pieces per universe, but they exist. Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Catwoman, Black Widow, Gamora, Scarlet Witch, Storm, Jean Grey and Mystique – just to mention the big names.

People (men) had to already come to terms with women in the strongly masculine (and white) dominated genre. So why is Wonder Woman such a sensation

Because there are hardly any films that focus on women. Except for the Catwoman movies and the series Supergirl I can’t think of any. And even there, men are often represented in large roles. Bigger than the heroines in the „regular“ movies. Because when they’re not running around in their much too tight costumes to be badass for 30 seconds (Black Widow/Gamora/Storm) or cause arguments between men (Mystique/Jean Grey) the heroines just stand around in the background or don’t even show up.

A good example of this are the Avenger films – and I say this with a heavy heart, with my Captain America cap on my head and the pre-ordered cinema tickets for Infinity War on the wall.

Black Widow is so amazing – but when does she do anything but help Cap drive fast cars or stand around? Fighting, the camera briefly zooms onto her body, covered in skinny, shiny fabric, while she eliminates a few people quity amazingly and then reappears 10 minutes later when it’s all over. The little background story we have of her is dark and is constantly hinted at, while the men could write whole books about their army past and father issues. The other women are actually only there so that there can be enough love drama – see Sharon. Why do you have ‚lady heroes‘ if not for the love story and the breasts?

But real heroines are so important!

Because they give young women and girls the feeling that they can also be strong. We need them not only to show girls how strong women are, but also boys and men. They give us hope and other costume options for Halloween than a sexy cat or nurse.

But this is exactly where it continues. Not only that the superheroines either wear skintight and black or have less clothes on their bodies than the average teenager at a music festival – if there is a decent costume that you can recognize and put on your 11-year-old niece without being afraid to send her on the street, you can’t buy it. Between 10 issues of Iron Man’s mask, Captain America’s shield and Spider-Man’s suit there is absolutely nothing of Black Widow and Co.

The women’s faces are also missing on other merchandise, as this article by Todd Kashan shows. We desperately need more heroines, but what’s the point if we don’t even get merchandise for the few we already have.

And when there is a real costume, it looks exactly like one of the men’s costumes – only with a bra instead of a breastplate – because the few heroines who have a real costume are copies of men.

Recipe for a Superheroine


  • You copy a hero to the clipboard,
  • Take off his clothes entirely except for a stylish bra and much too tight trousers,
  • Take his muscles away,
  • Gives him gigantic breasts and
  • Invent a name that is exactly like the original name but includes Lady, Girl or She.

If that’s too exhausting, you can just take a fashion doll from H&M, stuff the bra a little, dress her in black leather and tell everyone that she’s MEGA BADASS when everyone’s not looking.

Sharon Carter’s official biography writes that she was educated to idealize Cap, made herself a mini version of him and was this way added to the Avengers. And that’s what we’re supposed to take as our role model? No, thanks.
We need strong, differentiated women’s roles in these films! Women who are strong and have their own powers instead of just being a female version of Superman (Supergirl), Hulk (She-Hulk), Thor (Thor Girl) or another superhero.

Especially with the aliens (Superman/Thor) I wonder why they not only have to be white and male and super sexy, but also why all women are female versions of men. I mean… what?

Bonus: And if there is a woman who is reasonably original, she is painted green instead of leaving her black like her actress (Gamora). Yay Marvel!

Women are more than fashion dolls and potential partners for the strong heroes!

We are in a time when superhero movies should be for everyone. Nevertheless, we feature films like Batman vs. Superman, in which a white, rich, handsome guy fights an alien who is (for whatever reason) white and manly and handsome as well, because another white, handsome guy pulls the strings in the background. It’s 2018 and the only woman in the movie who really does anything is Wonder Woman and she has less than 5 minutes screen time.

The film producers like to take the money from us women by putting Black Widow on the poster in the typical ass-first pose – but to give us real women’s roles, real merchandise and their own films, they prefer to think of female versions of their men, which they directly ignore again after 3 sentences.

We’re more than just female versions of something. We are good for more than just our breasts and love conflicts.
We so urgently need more heroines from all over the world (not only white women, this is counterproductive, dear X-Men producers), who have great talents and show them. Women who have a background story actually play an important role in the plot and show us ’normal‘ women and girls that we can be as great as they are.

In other words: We need superheroines that were actually created for women.

More articles

The authoress

Michelle Janßen is a South German writer, young journalist, essayist and student of German and history at the University of Freiburg. At 14 she finished her first drama and since then has devoted herself mainly to short stories (the first volume was published in 2012), children’s books, fantasy and history novels and dramas (‚Das Mädchen und der Tod‘, ‚Namenlos‘).

In addition to her fiction writing, she is also part of the Freiburg city magazine Chilli and has already published several articles on feminism in smaller British magazines and special editions.

Blog: Büchnerwald
Twitter: mianjanssen

Tomorrow I will continue with my review of Tina Skupins „"Die Supermamas – Windeln wechseln und Welt retten" (The Supermamas - Changing diapers and saving the world)“ (The Supermamas – Changing diapers and saving the world)

© For the cover belongs to its rightful owner.

Ankündigung: Superheldinnen Nerdwoche

Bei meinem LBM-Bericht habe ich es ja schon erwähnt, dass es bald wieder eine Nerdwoche (Nerdweek ) gibt, und zwar eine

Superheldinnen Nerdwoche

Eine ganze Woche in der ihr die unterschiedlichsten Beiträge zum Thema Superheldinnen genau hier finden könnt.

Was erwartet euch?

Rezensionen von mir zu:

Gastbeiträge von:

Und nicht nur das!

Am Ende der Nerdwoche könnt ihr verschiedene Comics vom Gratis Comic Tag (aktuelle und auch aus den Vorjahren!) UND ein signiertes Exemplar der „Supermamas“ von Tina Skupin gewinnen!

Schreibt es euch also genau in den Kalender ein:

4.5. – 13.5. Nerdwoche Superheldinnen

(Ist einfach zu merken, umspannt ganz nett die Zeit vom Free Comic Book Day bis zum Gratis Comic Tag 😉 )
Hier nochmal ein zusammenfassendes Banner, das die großartige Ela Schnittke für mich designed hat:

Ich bin schon gespannt auf die Gastbeiträge. 😀

Bis dann


The Weekend Guess #87

A new year, a new guess. As part of the Nerd-Week I present to you the eighty seventh instalment of the Weekend Guess.

Eine Gedankenblase mit dem Schriftzug "The Weekend Guess" auf blauem Grund und in einem braunen Rahmen

What is the Weekend Guess?

Up to three riddles formulated by me that are puns and wordplays on the answer itself I put on here for my readers to answer.

Why am I doing this?

For no apparent reason, just because I consider the idea to be funny.

What are the questions about?

Everything I can think of I guess, so far the things you had to figure out were song titles and bands, movies and books. Currently it’s random topics ranging from the stuff before and whatever I feel like asking about.

What is your part in this?

You can try to figure out my riddles and see if you can manage to get behind them and understand what I am describing.

What is in it for you?

So far: Nothing, but the knowledge that you managed to unlock one of my silly riddles.

Let’s start with the eighty seventh set of questions

I am looking for the name of this character:

It’s not a bird, nor a plane, it’s…

Leave your guesses in the comments below and I can see if my questions are too easy or to hard to figure out. I will give the correct answer with the next instalment.
Have fun figuring it out! 🙂

Solution for last weeks Weekend Guess:


Unfortunately no one tried guessing, so I can’t congratulate anyone. 🙁


What the nerd heart desires: Nerd Stores

Lies auf Deutsch

As sixth part of the Nerd-Week you get a special overview over a few nerdy stores here in Germany, that you enter with a laughing and a crying eye and leave with an empty wallet and filled bags. Find out what there is to discover!

Fantastische Welten – Fantastical Worlds

A potpourri of things awaits you in the Fantastischen Welten in Rostock, that’s not just something for Manga-friends, no, especially Card Gamer, Roleplayers and Table Tops Player get their money’s worth. Besides weekly Events for Magic the Gathering and Force of Will, tournaments for Yu-Gi-Oh! and others are regularly fought out. A visit is worthwhile either way, even if you just use it to sit on one of the 32 playing seats and preventively intimidate your future opponents with your gaze. 😉


The Gandalph can be found in three different places: Flensburg, Kiel and Rendsburg [and Lübeck], where you can stock up on (Board) Games, Manga and Books from different genres, miniatures/figurines for Table Tops and even more. There is simply a huge range, that invides you the spent an evening in the store.

Grober Unfug – Monkey Business (?)

As we already are talking about more than one store, let’s continue with the Grober Unfug in Berlin that you can find twice there. The main store is in Mitte, a small branch in Kreuzberg. Both have a huge selection especially of Comics and Comic-Merchandise. Those who want to complete their DC or Marvel-collections or want to discoverer something smaller are at the right place. Especially great is that both stores participate in the Gratis Comic Tag (Free Comic Book Day) and simply are a great place to go (Note: On that day the branch is usually quite cramped if you want to check the shelves, but it is doable). And if you’re lucky – as I was on GTC two years ago – you might meet a Berlin celebrity (Bela B.) who is looking for new reading material as well. 😉


Let’s stay in the vicinity of the Grober Unfug-branch in Kreuzberg and walk a bit further to the Otherland-book store. Specialized in Fantasy and Sci-Fi there is a lot to discover here, as besides new releases, you’ll also find (used) classics in the shelves (and boxes) and a nearly as large a selection of English literature (e.g. by Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett). But still not everything. The Otherland hosts reading sessions and other events and the well informed team can certainly help you with your search for new reading material.

Neo Tokyo

Let’s change the specialization to Japanese Media. The Neo Tokyo – in Berlin, but also in Munich – have a large assortment of Manga and DVDs for popular/famous series from the different publishers, but also a few less known ones. Special in their range are the offers of Merchandise, clothing and (Japanese/Korean) Music, that you don’t find that much throughout Germany. Those who want to complete their series or want to take a closer look into Japanese Culture are at the right place. If I remember correctly you could even buy a Bento in the Berlin store.


Fit for that as well is also the J-Store that you can’t only find in the Capital, but also in Hamburg. The variety is similar to Neo Tokyo, but you can always find something in one store that you can’t find in the other. Especially Artists can buy a few things here and fans of Youth Culture can take a picture in a traditional Photo Booth (purikura).

Comic Planet

With the Comic Planet another branch-store is added to the mix. You can find it in different citiesOsnabrück, Münster, Rheine and Duisburg. With different events (tournaments, theme days, …), a large range of (sometimes rare) Manga, Comics and Trading Card Games, as well as a lot of space to play the latter depending on the branch, it has a lot to offer.

Comic Galerie – Comic Gallery

The second proper Comic Book Store I ever visited is the Comic Galerie in Kassel. Many great things can be found here that will greatly improve your life, uhm, I mean: They have a wide range of Comic Books and Manga, but also a large assortment of Specialist Literature, Artbooks and Rulebooks for Pen&Paper– and Table Tops-Systems and additionally many interesting Events that go from game-demonstrations up to tournaments.


My very first is Pin-Up Comic in Cologne that seems unimpressive from the outside, but hides actually worlds of wonders. With a complete range of German Graphic Novels, Frankobelgian Comics (Asterix & Co.), as well as a huge selection of US-Comics and an extensive Comic and Magazine antique shop everyone can find something here.


Specialized a bit differently is the Nertaku in Dresden that tries to combine the interests of both Nerds and Otakus and that not just in their name. Beside a large assortment of Game- (Super Mario, Minecraft, Final Fantasy, etc.) and Mangamerchandise (and volumes) they also offer stuff for Cosplayers, as the owners dabble in the Cosplaying scene as well. Additionally they also sell Alpaca plushies.


How does the saying go? Save the best for last, if the Zeitgeist in Koblenz is indeed that you’ll have to decide for yourself. DarkFairy, who showed me this store would certainly think so. 😉
Either way is there a wide range of different Comics, Manga, (Board- and Card) Games, Table Tops equiment and also various Merchandise (especially Manga/Anime figurines, but also stuff for Doctor Who and others), that you scarcely find anywhere.
But I do not want to keep one last, special goody that SaJaehwa and I discovered on our weekend trip to Stockholm (obviously that’s in Sweden not in Germany, but it still needed to be added to this list), from you:

Science Fiction Bokhandeln

As I mentioned here on Tuesday, did we more or less stumble upon the Science Fiction Bokhandeln by accident and when we went inside it was hard for us to leave again. The wide variety of English (non-fiction) Books, Comics and (Original-) Manga, as well as the huge selection of Merchandise you don’t get that easily in Germany, where simply too tempting (Mean info: You can order through the web shop via credit card…).

But enough now, don’t want you to go into a buying frenzy. 😉

Those someone else think that Comic Book Stores are as mean – if not meaner – as Book Stores, as you hardly can leave them without taking something with you?
Did I forget your favourite store?
Let me know!
Have fun checking them out!


Disclaimer: I didn’t get paid for writing this, I simply wanted to share my experiences with different stores I’ve been at.

Re-Wri-Day: Webcomics

As fifth part of the Nerd-Week you get another Re-Wri-Day, because as I recently did with my Supernatural Summaries, did I put my first post for THE EXTREMIS REVIEW about Webcomics directly on my Blog as well.

ReWriDayWhat is the Re-Wri-Day?

Inspired by EdMooneyPhotography’s Re-Work-Wednesday and based on the fact that my writing style for this Blog has changed over the past years, I kind of created my own version of this.

But why the strange name and what does it mean?

I’m awful when it comes to puns and I couldn’t help myself but to turn re-write and Friday into one strange word: Re-Wri-Day. Sorry…
But in conclusion: These posts are supposed to be always published on a Friday, but not necessarily on every Friday, just the Fridays when I feel like editing an old post beforehand.

And what am I doing with this?

I am taking my old posts from the beginnings of writing this Blog or just former posts and read them again to see what things I can change or add. They wont necessarily be actually re-written, but some changes will be made.
In the Re-Wri-Day post I’ll also give you a couple of thoughts on why I had chosen the topic and stuff you might be interested in.

So, let’s have a look at the page I changed: Webcomics

I really enjoyed writing this post, as it is one of my favourite topics to talk about. As I discovered more and more Webcomics throughout the year(s) I’ve decided that I want to pick this up as another series to introduce people to stuff I read.

For that I changed the original post a bit like giving it a different name and changing some of the lines.
I would have liked to include one of my favourite Nichtlustig-Comics as well, but I didn’t hear back from the Copyright-person, so I won’t include it here and only link to it. If anyone is interested: Nichtlustig just finished a successful Kickstarter campaign to animate the Comics as a Cartoon series. Congratulations for that!

Anyway, I still have to figure out how I want to present the upcoming Webcomics, but I guess we’ll see what I come up with, when I get around to put some more thought into it. 😉
