Tina Skupin: Die Supermamas

As part of my nerd week on the topic of Superheroines you get my review for  "Die Supermamas – Windeln wechseln und Welt retten" (The Supermamas - Changing diapers and saving the world) by Tina Skupin,whose novel Hollerbrunn I reviewed during the Fairy Tale Summer last year.

What is it about?

4 of 5 stars

Maira is pregnant and although she regularly looks for orbiting moons, everything is normal until ... until her son Peter is born under difficult circumstances. Suddenly there is not only a new life to worry about, but also the fact that she is no longer completely down to earth: Maira can fly.

Soon she meets other women who have experienced something similar to her and have also gained abilities, with whose help they now come to grips with a sinister conspiracy. Together they are: The Supermamas.

The reading experience

As with Hollerbrunn, Tina's writing style quickly captivated me and regularly made me smile or laugh. As a non-mother I have no connection with many of the things described, but I can fully understand when the protagonist talks about the "diapers of death" and other things.

I especially liked all the superhero references, Maira was as hungry as Hulk and many more things I don't want to spoil. But you can definitely see that Tina isn't just sprinkling information of the genre into it, but knows what she is talking about. She is after all a nerd. :D

The book itself is quite large, which makes it a bit unwieldy, but that's more of a luxury problem.

The characters

Maira had some "seriously?!" moments, but on the whole she was a very likeable character. Her development is nevertheless understandable and not forced into the role of a superheroin.

Her sister Jenny and Maira's husband, on the other hand, caused me much more headaches with their not quite comprehensible actions - even if Putin, the penguin, was actually quite funny.

It was especially difficult for me not to compare Maira and Jenny to Pegg and Marie from Hollerbrunn, but at some point it worked because the two siblings are very different. I'm curious if there are sisters in the Valkyrie again, in her entry in the Märchenspinnerei anthology she also has them. ;)

The other mamas had a good balance between "devil-may-care"-attitude, totally normal mum* and "Badass"-ness and especially  the interactions between the characters were amazing again.

Tina simply writes amazing PEOPLE*. :D

General Opinion

I'd like to have a sequel, a comic book and a TV series about the Supermamas, please. Thank you! :D
All kidding aside: I think the concept is great and the reading was unbelievably fun and I would like to learn more about the world of Supermamas. The connection of being a mother in everyday life with the powers and adventures is simply so indescribably fitting.

Stuff I’d like to add

Hat euch gefallen, was ihr hier gelesen habt? Dann schaut nächsten Samstag wieder vorbei und hüpft in den Lostopf, um ein von Tina signiertes Exemplar zu gewinnen!

Tomorrow we will continue with a guest post by Sarah Wagner, who tells us something about the weaknesses of superhero*ines and you can test yourself which type of hero*ine you are. Wer ist eure Superheldin?

Unfortunately, my own Supermama could never read this book and even if she wouldn't have understood all the references, I'm sure she would have liked it.
Happy birthday, Mom.


© For the cover belongs to its rightful owner.

* This post was translated using deepl.com and a few very funny mistranslations were involved.

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