
When I looked into the blog yesterday evening I could not believe my eyes:
31 comments and all of them rather positive.
That has to be a bug in the software…
That cannot be true.
I mean I only have three (four) posts and some short stories (even being written in my native language) and Fanfic’s….
There are no valuable information.
There are no masterpieces.
There are only stories and thoughts…
I am somewhat veering between feeling flattered by all the comments and being confused about them.
There is a whole bunch who have a certain Office Chair page as their homepage.
So it either means all those positive comments had only been Spam or it is a common thing to use this page if you do not have your own side.
Alternatively you are trying to tell me to write about Office Chairs, but I somewhat doubt that.
Among those 31 comments I see about 10 who actually sound not like a default comment made on new sides(, trying to trick people into buying a new chair for their office).
Regardless of that I am grateful for every comment, be it positive or negative.
Randomly I would like to answer or ask questions regarding your posts so, please include an e-mail address where my reply could reach you – or look if you are among the chosen ones.
However, if they sound/look like Spam to me I’ll just delete them.
Nevertheless thank you for the positive words.
I’ll try to continue like this.
Though the regularity of my posts might change.

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